Recent content by point-of-life

  1. P

    If you could feel however you want, whenever you want, would you?

    tony robbins is right, we want the emotions, of course. but the true emotions aren't felt without those things. you can't truly feel the satisfaction of just having ****ed a hot ***** unless you actually did. but there are certain feelings you can instantly create without expensive...
  2. P

    One hundred pushup challenge!

    Cool program! thanks for posting this man, count me in. As it suggests, I'll start on Monday.
  3. P

    What's Lil Wayne on? syrup?

    by the way, mexican_player2, lil Wayne doesn't do much of that "dirty south crunk" type of music. Listen to his new CD it's not what you think
  4. P

    What's Lil Wayne on? syrup?

    you obviously haven't listened to the rest of the CD. Get on youtube and search for "mr carter" and "tie my hands" But overall his style of rap is an acquired taste, either you hate it or love it, no in between. I wouldn't say he's the "best rapper alive" as he calls himself...but I more...
  5. P

    Why do you see decent looking guys with fat women?

    Why do you write the most absolute bull**** threads and posts on this forum? That's the real question. Yo stuka, welcome to my ignore list.
  6. P

    What's Lil Wayne on? syrup?

    I've heard from a lot of different sources that Lil Wayne is constantly "sippin syrup" ... and I'm not endorsing drug use, but damn, look at what he's done. He just sold 1 million CDs in a week, first time that's happened in 3 years. I'm listening to his CD now, there's at least 5 hot...
  7. P

    What's the point of life?

    I'm sure I'm not the only one who's wondered this. As I work towards my goals to get more women, make more money, get stronger, etc. I know that it's not going to change my state of mind. Sure the journey is great, and so are the rewards at the end of the road, but I feel empty inside. As...
  8. P

    Do you guys tip the bartender?

    I always tip, regardless. It's a sign of class. Usually $1 for a $5 shot, more if the drink is more. It doesn't matter who the bartender is. But sometimes I actually get surprised looks from bartenders when I tip them, I guess because I live in a college town and most students are...