Recent content by PlayToWin

  1. P

    How to deal with My Girlfriends ex-Sexual Partners

    So long story short is that I have a girlfriend of about 5 months(plus 3 months dating) Well since we are in college, we happened to run into an ex or two she had at some of the bars. Well that plus the fact that a few conversations we had began revealing how many partners she may have had, has...
  2. P

    How to tell if she's really interested or not?

    Well up until recently I had only had moderate success with women. I started having more success when I started to "not give a ****" Basically if a girl showed a little interest in me, I pursued it full steam ahead until either she started showing signs of dis-interest or hooked up with them. To...
  3. P

    Girlfriend is friends with another guy. Shlts me.

    Lets put it this way, its obvious to any person of any age, male or female, that if she is leaving you home on a friday night to go out with her "guy friend" that is seems really suspicious. In my opinion, any faithful woman would realize how bad that looks and would realize how you could get...
  4. P

    I screwed up an kissed another girl

    thanks for the response, what you said makes total sense. If the roles were reversed, I probably wouldn't ever fully trust her again since it would be hard to believe for it to be that innocent. However i would forgive her if I could really prove to her that it was that innocent. Except there is...
  5. P

    Girl I am seeing...HELP

    I don't know if I can provide advice on the whole situation cause I think there is too many specifics that only you know. However I do know that if a woman ever tries to withdraw sex from you just to test you after having slept with you multiple times then that is a woman that you shouldn't be...
  6. P

    I screwed up an kissed another girl

    So I have been dating this girl for about 5 months now, officially exclusive for about a month now, and everything is going great and I have virtually no problems with this girl. Well I was bar-tending the other night, and long story short I ended up kissing another girl who I used to know...
  7. P

    Is it ok to break the rule and ask to be exclusive?

    Thanks guys for all the advice. I have asked for a lot of advice on this forum in the past, and I think this is the most and best advice I have gotten in a while. As MacAvoy pointed out, that I may subconsciously be trying to pedestal her when I shouldn't be. Its just a former AFC trait coming...
  8. P

    Is it ok to break the rule and ask to be exclusive?

    So I have been dating this girl for about 2+ months. Its been going good, started off seeing each other once a week or so, now I see her about 3-4 times a week and she has never flat out turned me down when I invite her to come over or do something. During most of the time we were dating I was...
  9. P

    Girls who smoke weed and guys that don't

    You shouldn't be worrying about what different types of girls will think of you if you do or don't smoke weed, or for that matter participate in any other activity. What you should be worrying about is what you prefer to do. If you want to smoke, then smoke and if girls don't like it then screw...
  10. P

    How do I let a girl know I want to be friends with benefits

    Well step number 1 is that you never actually say "friends with benefits" well at least not before you have already hooked up with her multiple times, and even then it would only be if she brought it up. Learn that this is the real world and not everybody wants a relationship and even if they...
  11. P

    Neil Strauss's "Rules of the Game"

    haha good luck, I like it, as Neil would put it "There are no failures, only things you learn from for next time" Obviously he is not the first to say it but its a good thing to live by none the less.
  12. P

    Neil Strauss's "Rules of the Game"

    I look forward to an update on the situation in class you just mentioned. But yeah so far "rules of the game" seems to not only tackle and discuss the PUA community and techniques, but also focuses on some of the inner struggles a PUA or anyone in the 18-30 age bracket goes through, such as...
  13. P

    Should I invite this girl to my place or go out somewhere

    So Long story short, I met these 4 girls randomly, got to know there names and chatted a bit but nothing came out of it. A week later I see 2 of the girls and they are drunk and excited and tell me one of the other girls I met with them(HB7) thought I was really hot and said she was flirting...
  14. P

    Neil Strauss's "Rules of the Game"

    I am in the process of reading it, so far it is a great read. He is a very skilled writer, so it would be a fun read regardless is you improved or not. However obviously anyone who buys it is looking to learn something from it, and there is plenty to learn from it. Its basically a combination...