Recent content by Pimpster

  1. P

    A major flaw of budding DJs

    I have had this problem for many years, and still have it today. An excellent tip given. I have all the DJ tips stored in my head, i probably use much of it many times per day. Yet I still have not gotten to far with it. I still don't understand how I should build report. Should I be c+f or do i...
  2. P

    college help

    I live in dorms and I dont know a soul at my uni. Now i've tried to go to different girls rooms and talkin, saying Hi, making light convo but nothing is really working in my favour. Usually I dont have a problem with girls and I dont know why i'm having trouble. I need you guys to help me make a...
  3. P

    A quick little AFC question. Experienced DJs please answer.

    I agree. Why would u follow her, shes taking control. Never let that happen. Simply say NO/i'm busy (even better when your not doing anything). Have a little smirk on your face. she wont stop talking to you after this, she'll be stunned and try harder.
  4. P

    to break up or not? help me..

    Alright guys, i'm in a big delemma. I've had my girlfriend for 11 months now. I know for a fact that I atleast use to be in love with her, but i'm not feeling as much towards her anymore. I have no idea why. She still loves me dearly, and I don't think she will stop. Now, I don't know if i want...
  5. P

    jeans with no back pockets???

    This is where you come in and teach em a DJ lesson. Dj em, make fun of em, and they'll be shocked and attracted to you.
  6. P

    How to handle *****iness?

    From what i've learned i don't think NEXTing is the answer. My girlfriend is in love with me (or atleast says she is) and i know she'd do anything to not break up with me. Nexting to me is not an option for bytchiness. From what you guys have told me, I think the best is to either tell her it is...
  7. P

    How to handle *****iness?

    My girlfriend and I have been together for 4 months. She's becoming a big ***** lately and i'm not sure how to handle it. Its more of rude comments than anything. On one hand, i think i should be a man, and not tolerate her *****iness. I'm not going to leave her, but i feel she should know that...
  8. P

    How Long for Virgins?

    Heres my answer. Go out, wait about 4 months
  9. P

    "BOYISH" playfulness: Women Cant Resist

    I really like this idea and it works well. Anyone got any other examples of these kinda questions?
  10. P

    What should I do? Give up??

    Either she thinks she's really good friends with you, and doesn't realize the signals she's really giving, or she doesn't want to ruin the friendship that you guys have by becoming exclusive.
  11. P

    Laying a virgin

    Question Dell Skycat How old were you and how old was she? I got a situation where i'm 18, and she's turning 17 soon. She thinks she is too young (main problem), but i'm more ready than ever. Both virgins. She does want too, but she just thinks she's not ready yet. I need to fvck soon, anyone...
  12. P

    How can I get on top of my teacher ... litterally???

    I say when u get the chance, ask for extra 'help' and get alone with her. This is where you can really pull of your DJ skills. Now that u guys are alone, she can open up too you and see what happens. Also, slim chance but maybe ask her for extra help in a coffee shop or something. Just get her...
  13. P

    Is skinny better then being fast in HighSchool?

    stickboy u have no idea how lucky u are. I'm not fat at all but still gotta watch the amount i eat. So hard.
  14. P

    how does sex affect a relationship

    If she's a virgin, and you guys have sex at that age, she'll become verrrry attached so be ready. Sex changes a lot.
  15. P

    David DeAngelo's newsletter has stopped?

    i havn't got any either for atleast a month.