Recent content by Pilot

  1. P

    Article: Shouldn't Men have a choice too?

    "Walk a mile in the shoes of a single mother trying to support your kid/s before complaining." I'm not even going to go there...
  2. P

    Article: Shouldn't Men have a choice too?

    Yeah, well, the WOMAN knows the risks as well and the WOMAN should have just as much responsibility in the situation. Why so many unplanned pregnancies? It's a damn good deal for the chick. My cousin makes only like $2000 a month. Wanna know how much child support he pays? $800 a month. The...
  3. P

    Article: Shouldn't Men have a choice too?

    Good stuff!
  4. P

    plane ride...

    Air Force pilots are gay huh? WTF do you do for a living, you ass? I can pretty much guarantee your job isn't nearly as cool as my job. Sheesh, some people.
  5. P

    Something to consider

    Baby steps.... plus, I'm not sure I want to be sharing spit with 3 chicks every weekend night. Anyone say herpes? AAAAAAGH. Actually, I think getting herpes could be liberating. Once you get it, don't have to worry about getting it. I could go down on more chicks more often. As it stands I only...
  6. P

    Something to consider

    Yeah, I guess after two dates it isn't so bad if the girl isn't calling you yet. One other question (rather than creating a new topic): We had sex the morning after I first met her. Yeah, I know, yay me - bar game is improving. It wasn't the greatest - I'm still working on my bed game as well...
  7. P

    Something to consider

    This forum has been pretty helpful for me over the last couple of years. It has opened my eyes to some of the reasons why women act the way they do. "Know thy enemy", indeed. I just got off the phone with a girl that I went on a few dates with. When I said goodnight to her on our last date...
  8. P

    Moving to another state-starting over

    I've done it several times now, but that's just the way it is in the military. Try and meet new friends (male) as soon as possible through your hobbies. Keep busy, and just start dating around. If you don't have a date planned every weekend theres something wrong, cause your going to be bored...
  9. P

    I Want That Women Aproach Me!

    I just can't see Brad Pitt getting hit on if he didn't have the whole actor thing going on. I'm a pretty damn good looking guy myself. Seriously, only FAT women approach. The rest of the female population plays the game (you approach, they select, blah blah blah). That is of course unless they...
  10. P

    Women are garbage.

    Good advice, but actually my entire state IS screwed up. If anybody ever considers going to Oklahoma (I don't know why you would), don't. I think it has the highest single mother rate in the U.S. (I've actually seen 6 abstinence billboards so far - 3 in my town alone). It's horrible. I'd leave...
  11. P

    Women are garbage.

    I agree For me, it's to the point that I just don't care anymore. Don't get me wrong, I'm not gay - I still love to check them out when they're walking by, but I've pretty much given up wasting my time with them. Women these days are just that... a total waste of time. The only thing...
  12. P

    How to break up?

    Yeah, we both have the same job and work for the same employer (USAF), good chance I'll see her later on in my career. I wouldn't rule out getting back together later on, but she's one to hold a grudge. I heard a lot of sh*t from her about the guy I took her from. Hopefully she won't do the same...
  13. P

    How to break up?

    I DID IT!!!! Finally manned the f**k up!!! Man, it hurts hearing her cry, but I know this was the best decision to make. I'm FINALLY SINGLE AGAIN!!! Time to take over the world. Watch out gentlemen, your competition just went up a notch! :) Thanks for the help, by the way. I thought the...
  14. P

    How to break up?

    Hey I need some advice on how to break up with my girlfriend of six months. What started out great turned into a long distance relationship and only now I'm starting to figure out that we aren't compatible. She's a great girl and I don't want to hurt her, but I need to move on and date more...
  15. P

    BOOT camp Starts Thursday

    Ha! No need for a contest... the guy who gets the girls gets to brag about it - that's motivation for me! :) Pilot