Recent content by Outofexile

  1. O

    Here Is The Key To Women

    Think of this dude. If you had an ex staying at your place, sleeping in your bed, and grubbing off of you, would she be cool with it? Are we to assume that your girl doesnt own something as convient as a couch for him to sleep on, much less an air mattress? Dude, the guy is banging the ****...
  2. O

    Breaking a group of four with two

    Ok so I understand breaking into the group and giving them entertainment but at the end of your scenerio, you moved on. My goal was to get numbers, etc. I just dont see how you can get far with a woman if she is being pulled away from committed friends or friends that arent getting your or...
  3. O

    Breaking a group of four with two

    Ok I need some advise here. Last weekend, my buddy and I were out and at this kind of more upscale martini bar. There was a group of four women of variance degrees of attractiveness (1-0, 1-8, 1-6, 1-4). Well they werent drinking much and dressed pretty nice. Anyway, how do you break into...
  4. O

    Ok work this for me please

    Makes sense, all of it. I guess I wasnt looking at it that way. I guess Ive always been the type of guy that didnt want to mess with another mans woman because I wouldnt like it if it was done to me. Now if it was just a casual dating relationship, then I will proceed because I am quite the...
  5. O

    Ok work this for me please

    Well shes already stated that she has a boyfriend. I dont think its ultra serious or anything. Im also not sure how long they have been a couple. She doesnt appear to be a woman of low morals that would run around on someone just because a better product came along. This is an admirable and...
  6. O

    Ok work this for me please

    Ok I know this woman from my gym. Shes probably around 26-28 if I had to guess although I havent asked for sure. Shes was kind of withdrawn at first, keeping to herself without talking to anyone and leaving after her workout. No wedding ring. So about 6 weeks ago we work out together. Goes...
  7. O

    Is the Hitch ideaology possible?

    From the movie Hitch. Not the idea of slinging women with lines but finding one you really want and going after her. In the movie, it was said any man can get any woman. Now Im not talking about crazy ideaology like the fat guy landing the heiress but like real world possibilities? Basic DJ...
  8. O

    I'm officially used to being single..

    Its not even the missing her. Im really past it all. The marriage should have been over years ago but I hung on for the kids. I dont think of her like that anymore...almost like an old high school girlfriend type thing if that makes any sense. Just nothing there at all but an old memory...
  9. O

    Ok is it me or is this how its supposed to work?

    It was always a mutual thing. They would be like you are so self absorbed and dont do this or that and I would be like, well thats not me at this point in life...sorry. We agreed to disagree and cease seeing each other. No huge drama.
  10. O

    Chicks can be fricken evil!!

    Well when you do, give her that nice smile that says "thanks for the memories but Ive moved on to so much nicer pastures". You, know the ones you give your exs in HS when you were dating a hotter girl and wanted to be nice to the ex?
  11. O

    Using skillful language to achieve results

    Well first of all, you have to realize that, even the hottest woman in the room, no matter how many people in the room, somewhere there is someone who is tired of banging them. That uses, abuses and tells them to cook them something to eat and "maybe" they will give them some. Basically...
  12. O

    Chicks can be fricken evil!!

    Well dude, you have to realize that she is going to make the best of whatever situation she has. I mean, if you bought her a red dress that she looks great in, do you expect her to not wear it to impress others? Just treat her like she is, yesterdays memory. She obviously wasnt enough to...
  13. O

    Ok is it me or is this how its supposed to work?

    Ok 35 yr old male divorced a little over a year now after being married six years. Was a complete AFC during my divorce. I mean, they make doormats now with my initials on them in reference. So after the divorce, I took some time off and worked on me. I shed 50 lbs and got back into the...
  14. O

    Online Dating Blunders?

    Understand that face to face is needed. Definately agree. Ive always been a good salesman if I can get them face to face. Its getting there that has been the problem. If not, online or bars, where then to meet that is actually doable?
  15. O

    I'm officially used to being single..

    Recovering AFC, I read what you posted and it made sense. This weekend I sat back a bit and really looked at my current position. Am cardio workout, work til 6+, come home, cook, back to gym for 830, maybe practice some guitar. Every other weekend I get my son for weekend visits. In...