Recent content by ougoalie

  1. O

    7 approaches. I don't know why I bother sometimes...

    Funny stuff man.:box: But man Chicks at concerts really aren't worth the time of day even if they look like goddesses:yes:. There are tons of better places to pick them up which Im not going to go into. later
  2. O

    third wheel

  3. O

    Girl doesn't shut up

    Yea Im fooling around with a girl like that right now ---> about to find another girl that is quiet and doesn't talk hardly at all like me. You probably should do the same its easier on the ears and not as many damn emotional problems:D !!
  4. O

    Was I Used

    Man speak in freaking english I can't understand one word of that post you made:kick: :down:
  5. O

    Asking for her number

    Yea it is hard to believe but for the most part if you ask a hb this question most of the time unless she is really into you or wants to play you fool, she will not give it out. I mean think about it how many times do you think she is asked this by other guys on a weekly/monthly basis probably...
  6. O

    damn **** block

  7. O

    I finally got some... but used no rubber! help!

    Damn!!. Ever think about diseases. There are so many in this world. Wow young people these days its like all of you do not think at all or are just on crack or something.:confused: :eek: :crackup:
  8. O

    In response to "I can get any girl I want" thread.

    That is some funny stuff damn what a homo!!! Who in their right mind says "damn Im a stud" are you out of your cotten picken mind. You will one day learn that falling in love with yourself gets very old wtf:down: . PS: man good luck with those diseases have fun
  9. O

    I won the lottery, I think I'm going to give it all to charity.

    I would save that money if I were you man. I have saved about 6.5 grand right now. Its worth to have around you never know the things that come up for instance college bills or other stuff like that.
  10. O

    Can I trust this new girl?

    Don't know about you but I would ditch this girl she is a waste if time and drama. There is no sense in going out with an attractive chick that can't keep her emotions in check at least most of the time I know thats too much to ask but oh well. Next her fast she won't know what hit her!!
  11. O

    Get mind off sex?

    Well to get your mind off that stuff just concentrate on the conversation your having with her. Thats what I do. I very rarely think about sex when Im having a casual conversation with a girl maybe Im wierd don't know but there is a time and place for that stuff you know. And don't look at...
  12. O my girlfriend and I decided to make a video

  13. O

    (play) Fighting

    I think the age 15 was the first key of ignoring this moron. Are all young punks like this now. Damn I feel old. Anyway you don't get a girls attention by doing the above... later.
  14. O

    FR: This is what's wrong with men these days

    WOW..... thats pretty sad don't you have better things to spend your money on especially a nasty stripper damn thats just disgusting but like people have said it is your money.
  15. O

    internet dating

    Ok thats a good response \O/ but you do not know that they are crazy as hell after talking to them for a few minutes (some maybe but for most its very hard)... So I say the real life is the best option for everyone even for the socially challenged. Im out enough of this thread its old ;)
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