Recent content by OleRyder

  1. O

    stop telling this

    "It" won't, but her b/f might. ;-)
  2. O

    No Virgin Girls

    Someone commented that "women who don't believe in sex before marriage, don't believe in sex after marriage, either" - not an exact quote. Wake up people... so she's not a virgin, so what?
  3. O

    This Is To All The Americans Out There!!

    Look at him, he wants to be an Aggie! *gag* Then again, I'm a Longhorn myself, so who am I to comment? ;-P Heed what other posters say: football *IS* a religion - and not the *proper* football (inappropriately called "soccer"), but rather a version of rugby. If you don't already speak...
  4. O

    She has a boy Friend -- should i call her ?

    Are you sure you're on the right forum? No... really?
  5. O

    fearing one-itis

    Re: Re: Re: Re: fearing one-itis Hm, I think Blaaaaat is doing the right thing here. He set the terms of a relationship ("relationship" defined loosely here), she knows what those terms are and she is free to take them or leave it. Where's infatuation?
  6. O

    I banged 59, have 3 girlfriends, ty DOC LOVE

    "My house is constantly filled with 2-4 girls a night. Sex is taking place in many different rooms in many differant hours of the night." Don't be too harsh on him, Mystery. I sure would love to know how much those chicks charge, though.
  7. O

    NEXTing situation? How do I read this?

    End of the story, I guess. Well, got a turn-down Email: "a relationship is probably not what I need right now because even a good one complicates things" - that's because her last b/f was an insecure manipulating loser (insecure: stayed in a relationship that wasn't right for her or HIM...
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    Aol=a Wonderful Sex Life For Me

    Quick - I wonder, though... do they charge you extra for a threesome?
  9. O


    I suspect Skyhawk's BSing. How an illiterate could get someone who makes $100K+ is beyond me.
  10. O

    Neck in the woods dating (mostly rant)

    I'm moving 30 lousy miles, to the "city" I go clubbing at.
  11. O

    Neck in the woods dating (mostly rant)

    Population under 2000, and the only *decent* employer is that field station - so nobody career-oriented would stay. Yes, there was that lady at work that I had to next last week, but that's the only new person in town over a few months. Oh-wow, guess I'll have to resign to dating around until I...
  12. O

    Neck in the woods dating (mostly rant)

    OK, folks, what do you make out of this: I work for a research field station in a small (I mean, _small_) resort town, 30 miles from the nearest (what passes for a) city. Being such, the female population is either (i) over 40; (ii) under 18 or (iii) out of town. Perfect for ONS, but any...
  13. O

    Fist Fights ?

    I would avoid a fight at all costs... but then again, another assault charge won't look good on my resume...
  14. O

    NEXTing situation? How do I read this?

    Reto - it's not like I'm calling her daily... I've read the Bible, y'know. ;-) Three weeks, 4 contacts, 3 dates, those are the stats. Still, not getting in touch until after next weekend.
  15. O

    Do you tell your homies when you screw?

    A *gentleman* doesn't. Then again, a gentleman wouldn't have "homies", either.