Recent content by NoCommitments

  1. N

    Depressed as hell.....

    Most of the people getting engaged & settling down nowadays are not socially grown or spiritually stable to hold a LTR or have kids. They do it for various reasons like feeling pressured or thinking they've found the "right one". but think about those 2 words for a minute..."settle down"..No one...
  2. N

    Sick of women and their BS....last date was a joke!

    I haven't been on here for a really long time. Spending the past few months growing spiritually in every way (because of a few really really long failed relationships). I've studied human behavior, especially my own, and came to realize many things. One of the things I'm seeing a lot of is men &...
  3. N

    This website has become a crutch

    Both of you are very well spoken!! It a good feeling to know there are a cluster of gentleman out here! The inner game is extremely important, when you lose site of that it's def time to change course.
  4. N

    Post pics of gf's, ex's, and plates.....

    if this is real than you're really insecure bro! its like you're searching for approval. I got crazy hot pics of a chick I'm currently dating & some of my ex's as well ... BUT .... There is no way in hell I would post any of my gf's or ex's. And I def DO NOT condone posting pics of women...
  5. N

    POF -> HB8 asks me out, I decline -> Did I **** it Up? [Texts enclosed]

    HOLY SH*T!! WHY DON'T YOU JUST CUT A HOLE IN THE CELL PHONE & F*CK IT?? What is this a joke??? Advice .... Girls get bored with boys that can't make men's moves! I have never gotten laid or even a date with just texting... Order: 1. CALL A GIRL 2. BUILD COMFORT 3. TELL HER WHEN...
  6. N

    Asked the woman out- she deletes me off Facebook.

    The definiton of papi chulo is pimp mac daddy! Its time to change your tag!
  7. N

    Asked the woman out- she deletes me off Facebook.

    Whatever you did it def made her uncomfortable. The only girls I remove from fb are the ones that are needy & sensitive. They're the ones that aren't letting me have a gd time because my stalker meter starts flashing! She deleted u bcause she's weeding out her page. Its funny that u wanna...
  8. N

    Messaging Game in POF

    Copy & paste ur convos & I'll be able to see what you're doing right or wrong I have very gd success getting beyond the pof/match messaging & getting #s. I nvr ask for emails. I thnk that's lame imho. I like speaking on the phone. That's where I shine. My personality on the phone always gets...
  9. N

    Bad Aging In Men

    you look terrified in those pics bro! Work out like crazy in the gym, get a tan & WORK ON YOUR FACE/BODY LANGUAGE!!! I'm older, bald, & Im not the best looking guy, but I do get the chicks!! I know you don't wanna hear it but YEA It's all about your feelings inside If it'll make you...
  10. N


    My sentiments exactly! recently I fu*ked a nysc fitness trainer & although she had a great a*s, she sported 2 very tiny mosquito bite titts. It felt like I was bangin a prepubertal chick...didn't like it! so u knw what? I want both! screw the choice!! I only wanna see pancakes on a plate!
  11. N

    Wife screws our only vacation in years with cheating

    First I wanna commend you for your courage & honesty telling us this personal story. Here's what I wld do In a relaxed tone reassure her that you completely love her & understand her pain. Tell her how strong & couragious u think she is for confessing. Make her feel warm & fuzzy...
  12. N

    What do you see in this conversation? I'm confused.

    ICEBERG hit it on the head! Im real good with the text/phone game & yes this last line, IMO, is way TOO strong! I have tried this approach a few times & it never works because theres not enough comfort built up. So I always have to salvage the vibe somehow. First of all enough with the...
  13. N

    I Am A Bitter Mothu*ucka!!! Its Gonna Take A While

    pls read story to answer ending question: I went to AC this weekend I sat at the bar having a really nice time with my buddy. So there is girl after girl approaching our little lions area. So my buddy would open one after another. going pretty good so far.. girls are coming back etc... BUT...
  14. N

    Heading To AC, NJ...puas Welcome

    Hey guyz. Not sure which club I'm hitting but message me if u wanna meet up...would love to get some field work in with sosuave pua's