Recent content by Nivek

  1. N

    Oral Sex

    So my girl tries to give me head and it feels decent, but I don't feel anywhere close to cuming. Is it because she is doing it wrong or do most guys enjoy oral but will not be able to orgasm from it. Also as a note I am not circumsized so I feel like I should feel even more from oral but I...
  2. N

    Help! Seeing girl for 1+ month, no sex

    So I've been seeing this girl for over a month now and I still have yet to have sex with her. She willingly gives me *******s/handjobs etc etc but everytime I try to go for sex she stops me saying she isn't ready. She has "committment problems" We're not techincallly dating but she knows I'm...
  3. N

    Why do guys pick on one another?

    This is the basic answer I was looking for. I'm giving off lower value vibes, and suck as comebacks so when someone takes a jab at me, I kinda just sit there (which is pretty pathetic). But yeah I guess I do that too and its true you are nice to people who you think have higher value than you.
  4. N

    Why do guys pick on one another?

    guess i'm a biatch (lol). lil background on my family, my dads a complete tool (aka doesn't teach me how to be a man) so i hang around (absorb the stuff my mom tells me) aka get feminized. + i used to be picked on as a kid so i guess that makes me shy away from attacking others. but yeah i...
  5. N

    Why do guys pick on one another?

    I guess this didn't use to be as much of a concern for me but after a couple recent events in my life I feel pretty low both mentally and physically so my self esteems been pretty low. But it seems everywhere I go I always get amoged, even by people I semi know as friends/aquaintences. Is this...
  6. N

    For dogs, China is hell on earth

    i like how helter_skelter or whatever the f his name is.. totally ignores all the points that disprove his argument.. and only quotes things that support his point... btw your a fken retard
  7. N

    Don't see Williams sisters sex appeal

    so in conclusion. makeup can make any girl at least +1 on the 10 scale.
  8. N

    My friend, the blossoming DJ virgin

    haha great story. and really does shows that refusing to take crap from others earns you respect. great story. however, i think she might just wanna try to hook up with him and dump him again so that she is on top. since he left last time when he was on top. if he knows what he is doing...
  9. N

    What do you think?

    so obviously this scientific evidence = white men having 5 inch ****s and black men having 9 inch ****s... right...... more like if you take the average of everything black men might be stronger and be 1-2 cm longer than white men but thats it. i'm sure there are black men out there with 2...
  10. N

    Video of DJ transformation

    you mean is this the video with the song dry your eyes mate, and with loverboy in china and then it shows what has he been up to now and he's in the club macking? edit, yeah very good vid and shows that asians can mack just as well. for all the asians doubting themselves
  11. N

    Video games and being sociable

    that is so true. its not the video games that are the problem because i'm sure like the first replyer said, take those same people and take away video games and they probably will still be anti-social. I however have personally saw the growth in me socially once i stopped playing video...
  12. N

    Voice Projection!

    For as long as I have known, I've had problems projecting my voice. I would say something and a lot of the time, be seemingly ignored. This was because I had weak voice projection. Recently I was at a concert and near a speaker talking with my friends. When I opened my mouth to speak, I...
  13. N

    getting taller by stretching?!

    its partially genetics you mean.. cause i'm taller than both my parents who didn't have the same privileages as i have right now when they were smaller. ie i had better quality food/eat more
  14. N

    There IS a woman that loves you...

    haha sadly i agree with this
  15. N

    Girls don't like me, what should i do?

    BOO ok i really need to stop wasting time reading these posts. but read the dj bible, its here for a reason. and musculen?? muscular? ok sry for being an ass but read the bible first. lots of good quality information there for you to get started.