Recent content by niteguy2003

  1. N

    Want an Ego Boost??

    Put a picture of yourself on and have the girlies rate you. I put my picture up there and I have been rated at an 8.7. It says that I am hotter than 86% of the men who are on the site. It's a nice little ego boost. -Jeremy
  2. N

    Camera Cell Phones

    Haha, I use my camera phone to take pics of the girls I get numbers from, so when I am sober the next day I can review their pic and remember what they look like. You never know with the beer goggles on:) -Jeremy
  3. N

    What is the Ideal Dj "CAR"

    I'm a Truck guy and I want to get The Dodge Ram 1500 with the 20's. That Truck is Sweet. But as of now I have a Nisan Frontier V6. Not a head turner but get's me around. What you really need is a Bike!!! I have a 2000 Suzuki GSXR 750. Let me tell you Chicks love guys on bikes, well here in...
  4. N

    Finally got a Hotties number but when to call

    You shouldn't have told her you were going to call her on Friday. One of the many things I have learned from the DJ Bible. You should never give a Time, day or date. Keep her wondering if you are going to call her or not. Another thing don't listen to your friends. What do they know. They are...
  5. N

    How to blow of a fat chick, gently..

    Re: [circus music plays] I work in Telecommunications. Yeah I figured they had to hire her due to the discrimination laws and what not. She works in Customer Service. -Jeremy
  6. N

    How to blow of a fat chick, gently..

    Through out my life, fat chicks have always wanted me!! You just simply have to tell them that you are not interested. They are used to being turned down so they kinda expect it. Don't show them any signs of hope that you are interested. They eat that up(pardon the pun). Just be stern and tell...
  7. N

    asian girls

    I love Asian girls!!!!!! I don't know what it is about them but they are sooooo freakin sexy!! My last g/f of 3 years was vietnamese/white mix. I guess I have a fetish for them or something, I dunno. I love them when they dress up in those little school girl outfits with the plaid skirts and...
  8. N

    i'm gonna get some puzzy tomorrow

    So you are saying that you are going to get some tomorrow but you don't have a taker yet?? You are basically going to find some random girl to give it to you?? Hmm, How much is she gonna cost you?? Oh yeah I got some last night and this morning!! -Jeremy
  9. N

    Boot Camp Thread (Opening May 2nd)

    God luck guys, I have been doing it on my own. I am in my 5th week. Let me tell ya at first it's not easy. It's still not easy but you will get over it. I think of it as a game that I play by myself. It's easier to me when I think of it that way. I am having fun with it. I love the adrenalin...
  10. N

    how and what brought you to this board??

    I'm here because I was tired of being the nice guy and having the girls walk all over me and wodering why my ex all of a sudden broke up with me when I thought everything was "A OK". Now I know why and I WILL never let it happen again. I did a search and luck would have it I found this site. I...
  11. N

    Anyone here go to clubs, but doesn't dance?

    If that is one thing I definately know how to do is Dance. I have had many girls notice me by my dancing. I learned how to dance by going to all night parties or "raves" back in the day. I am pretty picky when it comes to dancing with girls at clubs, most girls don't have good rythm or they try...
  12. N

    Drunken ONS

    A while back I met a girl at a club. I met her within the last 15 mins of the club closing. She gave me her # and wanted me to come to her apt and go in the jacuzzi with here and her 2 hot roomies. I normally don't call the girl until later and all that but she did invite me over. So I get there...
  13. N

    Online Adult personals...How "slim" are your chances?

    I have gotten with 2 chicks from One of them I am currently paying visits to. She is 32 and a HB 7. I'm 25. Man I do love those older women. The other one was a one time deal. She was too easy. I got what I wanted afetr I had some drink and split. She was a HB 5.8. -Jeremy
  14. N

    Quick tip for building confidence

    Right on Dirtheart!!! Through out my life I always wondered what other people thought of me. It lowered my confidence and I had no self worth because I always thought that people were judging me and what not. Then I realized you know what.... I am me and that is who I am, if nobody likes me and...
  15. N

    fvcking "pretty boy" looks

    I have been called pretty boy many times. I am 25 and I look like I am 19-22. I get ID'd all time. I think it will benefit me in the future but since I have been working out religiously I have notice my face changing shape. I grew chin hair to make my face look a little older. I still have that...