Recent content by mugatts

  1. M

    If you want to keep the bitvch ...

    I'm cracking up reading all the replies to this hedious post. Loool. Bro must have dealt with one crazy woman to feel this way.
  2. M

    Stop walking on eggshells and second guessing yourselves in every interaction

    Well said. There's nothing as attractive as confidence and shrugging off rejection coz you know your life is awesome with or without that woman in your life.
  3. M

    The most beta thing you have ever done

    When a woman I liked started pulling away, I chased her more suggesting dinner etc. I decided to threaten a break up thinking she would be scared to lose me but she actually agreed that it was a good idea. I poured my heart out and even suggested a meeting to plead my case but thankfully I...
  4. M

    How to deal with a girl that is still hung up on her ex?

    If you're looking for anything serious walk away otherwise you'll just be a rebound or friend zoned. These type of chicks are bad news. If you end up in a relationship they run to that ex at the first sign of trouble and some sleep with them on the side. Worse if they have a kid together.
  5. M

    Stop counting and focus on healing

    Very spot on. After a break up especially where you were hoping for a different outcome, your ego takes a hit. So doing activities to better yourself, using what you learned from the bi*** to do things differently with the next babe not only makes her old news fast but it boosts your confidence...
  6. M

    F*** Nc

    As I read your post it was hard to ignore that this was 8 months ago. Unless you were together for a decade there should be no reason to be still thinking about her after such a long time. As someone mentioned above, you should have used that time to better yourself meet new women and she would...
  7. M

    Reflecting over this year

    Seems like you're on the right track. Women are good at hiding excess baggage until you're too involved. That's why you must space out how much time you're seeing her in the beginning and let the red flags come up. For the first 2-4 months no more than 1-2 dates per week. Signs such as bringing...
  8. M

    Signs she's losing interest

    A woman's interest doesn't drop suddenly but instead she starts giving you hints way in advance. By not ignoring certain red flags and trusting your intuition, you can walk away before she dumps your ass. -She does not mind if you go out with the boys -She changes her style -She does...
  9. M

    Is dating down almost mandatory?

    If she's a winner in several other departments then looks should not be a priority. Personally I would never date someone I am not physically attracted to, but I would rather be with a woman who is intelligent, takes care of her body and is great in bed with an average face than a hot dumb blond.
  10. M

    I broke up with him over text

    Based on what you have shared, it is obvious this guy is not interested and his actions speak very clearly. Do yourself a favour and lose his number, he's not expecting any explanation from you. Find a gentleman who is single and available without all that baby mama drama instead of a texting...
  11. M

    I broke up with him over text

    She could be interested in both men and women.
  12. M

    she flaked.. what to do?

    Why are you over thinking this? If she was not interested she would not offer an alternative date. If you're available Monday, go have a good time and stop stressing yourself about what she thinks. The question is how does she act when you are together? Its all about actions not trying to find...
  13. M

    Can you get her back if you're the one who made mistakes?

    It is absolutely normal to think of someone you developed feelings for. However right now you are idealizing her and putting her on a pedestal she does not belong. You should be meeting women because you want to, not to get over your ex. Right now she is living her own life, she is not bothering...
  14. M

    Can you get her back if you're the one who made mistakes?

    You are focusing on what has worked or hasn't worked for others. Instead of wasting your energy on what could happen, you need to focus on yourself no matter how difficult it is for you to accept this right now. Hang out with your close friends, work out, try a new activity etc. You should...
  15. M

    women losing feelings

    Physical attraction is not the only reason a woman chooses to be with you. There are other factors such as security, compatibility etc. Feelings change because you are no longer the person she met. Once things get comfortable, you neglect yourself, your friends, your hobbies and become attached...