Recent content by Mortukai

  1. M

    FR: faith in clubs reaffirmed

    OMG another Canberran! It seems every Aussie on these forums is either in Melbourne or Sydney. Which clubs did you hit up? The Academy? Mooseheads? What uni did you go to? ANU or UC? I'm an ANU vet myself. Nice work on the hotties man. :up: Perhaps we can team up to go sarging one weekend...
  2. M

    Women as horny as men??

    Think about it like this: Imagine a person who has a very low sex drive. This person doesn't think about sex very often, maybe, say once a month. But when they do think about sex, they act on it, they go out, initiate, and have sex. Now imagine a person who has a very high sex drive...
  3. M

    Women as horny as men??

    This thread is clueless. Women want sex more than men. This is a fact. Here's the reality: Studies have shown that men who have no estrogen have no sex drive. Women, when they go through menopause and lose their estrogen, also lose their sex drive. The parts of the brain responsible for...
  4. M


    Umm, what planet are you guys living on? Girls form the majority of visitors to every Sexpo. I think it's something like at least 60% of the visitors are females. And they come from all walks of life. They're usually so sexually repressed that something likea Sexpo is incredibly exciting for...
  5. M

    This is F-d up!!!!!!!!!

    You need to put this chick in her place. She totally shouldn't have done that to you, and any chick that would go this far to test your faithfullness clearly has trust issues. And it's a fact that the less a girl trusts you, the more likely she will be to cheat on you. Girls who are secure and...
  6. M

    Im So Attractive

    You were watching Australian Idol? ....... And you call yourself a man? :rolleyes:
  7. M

    She's Obsessed With Fortune Tellers and Astrology

    Just because you use the word "scientific", doesn't mean that science in any way agrees with you. So tell me, through what form do these "thought waves" exist? Are they photons (electromagnetic energy)? If so, why can we not detect these energy emissions from our own heads, when we can...
  8. M

    She's Obsessed With Fortune Tellers and Astrology

    In my experience, 99% of women believe in psychic powers. I've even met some who were convinced that they had them. I've only met 2 guys who believe in that guff, and 2 girls who don't, and I've met a lot of people. The problem with Joe Dirt trying to convince Penkitten about cold reading is...
  9. M

    when a girl says you smell good...

    That's awesome man! I rate that very highly. Consider it stolen. *yoink* ;)
  10. M

    ???s about a Guy Playing Rough with Me

    and... One thing that isn't talked about anywhere near enough on this board is the concept of pushing and pulling, and sending mixed signals. Most people are focused on creating attraction in the first place, but once you've got attraction, you "fan the flames" by sending mixed signals. Girls...
  11. M

    ???s about a Guy Playing Rough with Me

    Err, Morphiex, I don't know if you read what I read, but if you did, you're so wrong. DreamyChick, don't play dumb. You know this guy likes you and you like him. But neither one of you is game enough to make the first move. I'm sure the sexual tension you guys had going that night could be...
  12. M

    Question about sign of interest... do girls show this alot?

    Jesus Christ, chicks really have no friggin idea about sh!t. @ BlahUgh: Yes, girls often adjust their clothing when they are trying to attract men. Partially to draw attention to themselves, but mostly to make sure they are looking good for when the man they want looks at them. It's the...
  13. M

    I gave her just what she wanted, why's she freaking out?

    Dude, good job man! Kudos! Seriously, you handled the situation pretty damn well. A lot of guys here could learn from this. Your didn't lose your temper, and you cultivated a mature attitude that established your place as a confident and secure man who will do as he pleases and won't allow...
  14. M

    can we break down AFC/sensative man?

    Yo Friv, I think you might be underestimating the number of guys on this site that have been in exactly the same situation as you before. I think you are also underestimating the number of guys here who would likely KILL for a loving, caring, sharing, equality-based relationship with a...
  15. M

    I am a Jackass

    @whatever your name is with all the weird symbols: Don't get me wrong, I don't advocate hitting a woman at all. I abhor that sort of behaviour. A gentleman never hits a lady, and doesn't associate with b!tches who don't qualify as ladies. I was merely pointing out HeartlessBtch's totally...