Recent content by Migel

  1. M

    Guys need help, !!SOS!! possibly first relationship, and I'm new to dating..

    You take this too serious. Try to chill out and approach this as an experiment from which you will learn. Focus on what you want from this situation/person.
  2. M

    HILARIOUS! Girl Field-Reports ME!

    Say "naughty" for us, just once please! LOL
  3. M

    Achieved so much, won many victories yet feel no better than a WB-AFC

    What you're looking for in life is not what you think you want. You think that you want to have accomplishments and achievements. But the real thing you are looking for are FEELINGS. Think about it... you want to FEEL good about doing something, you want to FEEL powerful, you want to...
  4. M

    Any Coward Can Do This (Part 1)

    I agree with you. We do things everyday in spite of fear. But is it shame that is really stopping us? My oppinion on this is that we believe the costs of approaching are more than the costs of doing nothing. By costs I mean negative stuff like feeling bad after the approach. If you are feeling...
  5. M

    Rocco Siffredi vs Ron Jeremy

    Face it Jayer, you're gay.
  6. M

    How to be a man with a penis?

    You care for people because of the VALUE they provide you. You care for your car because it cost you a lot of money and it drives you to work. You care for your mother because she raised you. You care for your friends because you have good times with them. You care for your girlfriend because...
  7. M

    How to be a man with a penis?

    That's AFC thinking. Look at your guy friends. I care for my friends but I'm a **** around them and tease them constantly. It's because you can't care about somebody if there is no spark of that chemistry that is created from chasing. See the world as it is, not as you want it to be. European...
  8. M

    Improving intelligence... ideas?

    Change your diet. Certain foods cause you to think slower ( look cows :) ). I'm not an expert, maybe somebody knows more about what to eat to be a faster thinker?
  9. M

    How to be a man with a penis?

    Yeah. The same with Nice Guy, he has repressed his sexual desire to a point where he denies it even exists, so he acts like a neutered man in front of women. The biggest change in my life came when I actually realized I want to have a girlfriend and I want to have sex. It seems dumb but...
  10. M


    Read this:
  11. M

    How to be a man with a penis?

    Thank you DarkLight! You have just explained to me what sexual state isn't! I think a lot of people that read GunWitch or DonJuanForever do the same mistake. There is a difference between being a SEXUAL MAN and a HORNY ****. Do the thing you are most comfortable with, then you won't...
  12. M

    How to be a man with a penis?

    I have a similar problem. There are two possibilities: 1. You are too perfect and she is insecure. She is afraid of "falling in love" with you. 2. She knows about your insecurities but hangs around with you to impress her friends. I think no matter what the answer is (you'll never know...
  13. M

    falling for your best friend.. how to tell her?

    You don't tell her anything, you become a MAN that she will fall for and things will happen naturally. If you don't understand what I wrote read the DJ Bible ( before you get flamed.
  14. M

    Im too quiet and it gets very frustrating

    First of all, becoming talkative won't make you happy. It's just one of the tools you have to seduce women. First accept yourself and appreciate what you have. Then if you want to change go ahead. It's a long process, I'm on your path too. I made a list of things to improve on everyday. Here...
  15. M

    How does Meditation work?

    The key is experimentation. Try different stuff and remember that some things don't work all the time and it will take some time and effort until meditation is easy and habitual. Here is what works for me: - I lie or sit in silence or in nature, I close my eyes - Get in the present moment...