Recent content by MicCheck1-2

  1. M

    How to be a better conversationalist

    This reminds me of this 26-year old girl that I talked to when I was 19. I said the smartest and dumbest things out of my head and surprisingly that attracted her even more. Yea, how can anybody ever run out of things to talk about? It's beyond me.
  2. M


    The friends part is funny to me because all the friends I made were at the bar and I was by myself. I think you gotta go out to meet decent people, male or female.
  3. M

    Most obvious come-on that was missed

    Too many to name... I'm not really an eloquent writer and I have difficulty conveying my thoughts in typed prose but here goes... I swear. There was this girl from around middle school 8th grade to around high school 11th grade who I had the biggest crush on. She was baaadd. And I know...
  4. M

    The REAL reason why "nice guys" finish last!

    I learned a ton from this thread. Hopefully, this advice works for me.
  5. M

    SHUT THE F*CK UP... obey your d*ck

    Thanks for this motivating wake-up post.
  6. M

    New To The Single Life

    Can you direct me to this DJ Bible?
  7. M

    how do you know when girls want you to approach, i get turned down all the time

    All women are eventually going to find a mate. Not all men will. Have you ever heard that 80 percent of women sleep with 20 percent of men? It's true. It's just the way the world works. This site is pretty darn optimistic for whatever reason. Don't know why? (I think I've mentioned this...
  8. M

    What type of woman makes you weak at the knees?

    Out of the choices, tall and brunette. Something like 5'7 to 5'11-ish.
  9. M

    What can you do if you're a 3 or 4?

    Nah, I just randomly approach women wherever I go. I remember reading the DJ Bible and became extremely motivated. Then, reality hit me. My last 10 approaches were terrible. In 7 of those approaches I was ignored with one telling me to get the hell out of her face. I swear looking at the...
  10. M

    Don't ever think a girl is out of your league

    Sucks for people like me. So unless you look good, you won't be able to pull hot chicks. I would know.
  11. M

    What can you do if you're a 3 or 4?

    Actually, I'm NOT wondering. I already know and I said why. I don't get a second glance because I'm ugly. First you dudes say 'looks don't matter' but then you have to change your looks just to get girls to look at you. Why do you guys feed people lies? Bad doubt. I've had people...
  12. M

    What can you do if you're a 3 or 4?

    Sorry that was a typo from typing too fast. I'm 140.
  13. M

    Get your free advice here - for a limited time only!

    How do I develop a sense of humor? I can't tell jokes and I don't find many things funny.
  14. M

    What can you do if you're a 3 or 4?

    So all I need to do is transcend my physical looks? I'm supposed to believe that fairy tale? Can you show me pics of a guy uglier than me being successful with chicks? I doubt it. I already have money and drive a nice car. How does this help me when the same chicks see me hop out that car...
  15. M

    Most obvious come-on that was missed

    I wish I had a chick would come-on to me. :cry: You guys are complaining about girls coming on to you. I wish that would even happen to me.