Recent content by Merciless Dj

  1. M

    Merciless Log

    This is the last entry. I´ve been doing kickboxing 6-8 hours a week for quite a while now. I don´t workout more than once a week. I´ve writing my own diary as well, writing your thoughts for yourself really helps, I recommend it to everyone.
  2. M

    Merciless Log

    Alright thanks, appreciated! I started doing overhead press, squats and normal pull ups. I stopped a week ago with squats. That day I went to the gym, had lunch, then went to play some soccer and after that I felt some pain in my knees from time to time the rest of the day. It´s happening...
  3. M

    Merciless Log

    I´m going to the gym 4 days a week, on average; from Mondays to Fridays. Soon I’ll be back where I used to live, for holidays, so I´ll have time to go 5 days and eat enough meals for a while. I haven´t updated for a while but I haven´t stopped going to the gym. Yesterday’s workout, my average...
  4. M

    Merciless Log

    I should have updated this earlier, I got a contraction in the lower back and later twisted my ankle playing soccer, but I´ll go ahead and go back to the gym even if I have to avoid some exercises. For today: =reps s=series Pulley: 100cal Dumbbells: Concentration curls: 10r* 15kgs...
  5. M

    Merciless Log

    Alright finally got some time to write, a lot of things have changed since college but I´ll start on what this section is about. This is 3rd day that I managed to go to the gym but since yesterday and from now on I´m on from Mondays to Fridays again, although I´m short of time. r=reps s=series...
  6. M

    Merciless Log

    I´ll do an update since I´m moving tonight and I don´t know when I´ll be able to update next. r=reps s=series From Mondays to Fridays: *150kCal on the treadmill, 10:40 best time *100kCal on the bike Pulley: 3s* 10r* 35kgs (77.2lbs) Leg press: 3s* 10r* 100kgs (220.5lbs) Abductor: 3s* 10r*...
  7. M

    Merciless Log

    Thanks for the info espi! For now I just reduced cardio to 2/3rds of what I was doing, I enjoy beating my times. I´ve started eating 5 egg whites with milk after lunch from Monday to Friday as well, right now I´ve got my parents constantly trying to scare me with cholesterol, heart problems in...
  8. M

    Merciless Log

    From Mondays to Fridays: *200kCal on the treadmill, best time 14:56 today *175kCal on the bike Rowing machine: 3 series* 10 reps of 35kgs (77.2lbs) Leg press: 3 series* 10 reps of 90kgs (198.4lbs) Abductor: 3 series* 10 reps of 50kgs (110.2lbs) Adductor: 3 series* 10 reps of 45kgs (99.2lbs)...
  9. M

    This NOFAP is something serious

    Day 70. Did it twice before but only lasted 7 and 15 days. Prolly about 100 days without porn. Yes Peasant player, in fact last month I cumed a few times in dreams, the first time around the 30 days, I think was a real big bust. Realized how bad is to fap without cumming, the time I lasted 7...
  10. M

    Cons of circuncision?

    I didn´t explain myself, when I used to masturbate I would get the frenulum skin cracked due to it not being long enough. Since it wasn´t severe enough to cause me pain I thought that I could avoid cutting the frenulum if there were any kind of cons hidden by the mass media, but I see there´s no...
  11. M

    Cons of circuncision?

    I went to the doctor for that a while ago, I´m on a wait list for a long time till they take some blood samples for whatever reasons and then do it. Meanwhile, I´ve been wondering about the cons of having the frenulum cut as there´s no coming back. I used to masturbate a few months ago but I...
  12. M

    Merciless Log

    EDIT: I tried to edit it for ease of read as I´ve heard most people in the internet just skim through stuff. So this is my workout routine for now (I going to the gym with a friend that showed me his routine and from there I´m trying to implement more things, although I don´t really know what...
  13. M

    Cons of protein shakes?

    Thanks for all the help! I´m starting tomorrow morning, for now I´m going to go ahead and try my best to follow those guidelines when it comes to diet. I´ll have to wait till I go to college to get protein supplements, my parents are totally against it hahaha. The cafeteria meals are going to be...
  14. M

    Cons of protein shakes?

    I´m going to start going to the gym in a couple days, and I´m pretty excited about it, going to read bradds guide. My problem is that in moving to campus in college in a month and over there I´m going to be feed in the cafeteria. They have 3 meals a day and I guess that I won´t have much...
  15. M

    Just a little question on body language. Has worked greatly for me.