Recent content by LuksSkywalker

  1. LuksSkywalker

    Best Revenge Ever on the EX that dumped you.

    Best revenge ever (and always) on your ex is to simply forget her and everything about her, including her being the reason for your new personal development. Be better person for your self and someone in the future you end up being with. Unless you have children with your ex, there is no need...
  2. LuksSkywalker

    Best Revenge Ever on the EX that dumped you.

    The MOST important thing after a break up is to forgive YOURSELF. For letting yourself get bamboozled, For not being who you really are, but who your girlfriend wants you to be, For ignoring your best friends, For becoming lazy and content with what you have, and where you are at certain...
  3. LuksSkywalker

    Too Hot To Handle (Netflix)

    Hahaha, no man. I use this alias from 2006.
  4. LuksSkywalker

    Too Hot To Handle (Netflix)

    If you wanna see a male-female rollercoaster without being involved check out this show. Constant games are played between contestants and you can learn a lot about human behaviour (if you understand the background of this behaviour). Sometimes your brain might hurt but you will get by it soon...
  5. LuksSkywalker

    How do you know if you just miss your ex or that you want her back?

    Exactly. Right now you're missing the routine (texting, calling and seeing her) and sex. On top of that you probably think she's the best girl for you... Well, if she was, you would still be together. Don't look for explanations on why you two broke up and trying to deminish your reasons. No...
  6. LuksSkywalker

    How do you avoid cuddling after sex?

    But she's still cuddling you. I want to avoid every kind of cuddling. Sometimes I just want her to disappear after sex.
  7. LuksSkywalker

    How do you avoid cuddling after sex?

    When I don't feel like lying in bed and cuddling with a girl i just had sex with, I usually go to the bathroom and pretend I'm dropping The deuce for about 10-15 min, then i shower for about 10 more min. In the meantime they get up and leave the bedroom or if it's late they just fall asleep...
  8. LuksSkywalker

    Why are our moms doing this?!?

    Bro relax. I'm not blaming anyone but myself. First people that teach you about life are your mom and dad and that's why the subject came out. From logical point of view, your parents should be people who care about you more than anyone else in this world (except for yourself). They are older...
  9. LuksSkywalker

    Why are our moms doing this?!?

    Fair enough. It's really heavy topic
  10. LuksSkywalker

    Why are our moms doing this?!?

    All my life I've been taught to be nice, polite and kind to girls. To listen to them and help them when they need help (which is always). My mom raised me In belief that this is the right way to treat them even though my father isn't anything like that. Then, all of a sudden you're 27 and you...
  11. LuksSkywalker

    How to keep oneself from catching feelings?

    Man is trully honest after he jerks off. Empty your ballsack and you'll know if you have feelings for someone right away :)
  12. LuksSkywalker

    Current situation

    Word! I was in 5 relationships in my life, dumpped from 4, being dumpee in 1. Only 1 girl reached out to me after a certain period of time, and with that one I had the shortest and least good relationship with. We're freinds now. We hang out with same people so I don't see her as anything more...
  13. LuksSkywalker

    Current situation

    What I've learned in my life is that there is always something better waiting for you. Each girl I was with, I thought was the best. Then, you meet someone new and suddenly she's the best. It all makes sense because you are getting smarter after each relationship and you know what you really...
  14. LuksSkywalker

    Current situation

    Every advice that you see/hear is based upon somebodies own experience. Each one of us was (at least) once in the same position as you. And what we did was what you are on the verge of doing right now. I needed 4 different break ups and no contact breaking to understan->learn what's best thing...
  15. LuksSkywalker

    3 yrs LTR - all good but thoughts of ending

    Wait, is her becoming overweight the only reason you're thinking about breaking up?