Recent content by Lincoln

  1. L

    So I took a perfect 10 out last night...

    Eh perfect 10 was def. a stretch. Those pics don't really do justice to her body. Just an awesome rack and a tiny waist with a perfect ass. Seriously smoking...
  2. L

    So I took a perfect 10 out last night...

    No this is not bull****. We had a great time last night. I'm keeping these pics up for a day She isn't as insane as I thought, just needs to get away from the city she is in I guess
  3. L

    So I took a perfect 10 out last night...

    There is more to this story, but I can't keep my eyes open. I'll post tomorrow morning...
  4. L

    So I took a perfect 10 out last night...

    No **** guys. Weird how this all went down, a friend of a friend said she had this gorgeous cuban friend that had a thing for tall guys. She called me a couple of weeks ago and I could tell right away she was a demanding broad, begging me to buy her a one way plane ticket to come see
  5. L

    Choosing a career path: Real Estate vs Accounting

    Accounting is dependable, but boring as hell. I am in the tourism business (I guess you can call it that?) and the majority of our high end guys that roll in with deep pockets are real estate. One guy made millions selling ranches, another commerical property in Vegas and Arizona...all...
  6. L

    Girls with lots of Guy friends

    You are a complete fool if you stay with this woman. Yah it is alright if you are getting laid or whatever, but to pursue a relationship with this type of woman is suicide to your reputation.
  7. L

    Is this text message ok to send?

    Genius man...that is a great idea. I have a couple of girls that could work with. A+
  8. L

    White Trash cop episode with engaged woman in my front yard lol

    Long long story, but basically this girl I had a fling with a few months ago that I gamed back neglected to mention to me that she is engaged now. Well she stayed over for a couple of nights and decided the best thing to do was to wake me up at midnight and tell me that her and her husband to be...
  9. L

    I need some guidance from real DJ's

    I have got myself into a bit of a situation. I'm 23, 6'8" lanky guy...not bad looking at all. I got involved with a single mom, let things get out of hand. She isolated me from my friends, started fights with my former **** buddies. Shes a great girl but damn she is getting very...
  10. L

    Sex 3-4 times a day?

    I have done sprints like that right for a week or so (always before the girls start their period to oddly enough) but when they finally do start I am honestly kinda relieved. (for a couple of days lol) If I get too much I get lazy I notice, just kinda blah and unmotivated. Kinda weird it would...
  11. L

    Any tips on where to find "quality" women?

    I'm 100% finished with wh0res. I am only interested in trustworthy, conservative, motivated, classy, religious women. I'm not 100% into looks these days. I have had 2 HB9s in my life, while that may not be crap compared to a lot of you djs I really just think extremely attractive women for...
  12. L

    Anyone else who's somewhat turned off by supreme beauty?

    I know what you mean, but it isn't the looks that turn you is the attitude and way they carry themselves as "THE PRIZE" Pisses me off, but the best part is they are insecure :) I always pop little comments on them, lol...only scored one out of 5 or 6 I have messed with.
  13. L

    So I got hit with a candle...another psycho

    I am the psycho attractor. Seems like EVERY woman I get with has some sort of deep daddy issues. Alcohol, abuser, drug user, bad role model, absent.... It is undoubtedly a pattern I have noticed and I need to take some steps to fix it. Just really not sure what to do or how to change my...
  14. L

    any way to prevent masturbation?

    Is this a serious post? LOL Stop looking at porn Socialize...with women...get a hobby or something.
  15. L

    "i want to wait till we are married"

    I wonder if she had a bad experience or something? That is kinda strange, mostly in this day and time. IDK, I could live off *******s if she was good at them lol. If you are already doing everything else what is the hang up with penetration? Seriously, thats like doing opium and saying...