Recent content by lesmurphy

  1. L

    'Two Rules' to happy, enduring MLTRs

    So Johnny once this is all explained to you take girls on dates or pay for the girl you bring to the bar?
  2. L

    Double Date Blind Date

    Thanks for your advice on dealing with the bday, I guess I won't bring it up, any advice on the Blind Date, should I treat it differently than a normal date?
  3. L

    Double Date Blind Date

    Next Friday my buddies girlfriend arranged to have a double date with this girl she works with and me. They decided that they want to go to the Zoo where they have this big Christmas thing going on and it is sort of romantic, we actually went there last year with my buddy and our now ex...
  4. L

    Friend Zone On Purpose? Pivot?

    RexMan I like your Larry Bird simile. So as far as the LJBF speech, do I say it just like that...I think we should just be friends, or code it? I live in a new place so I don't have too many friends yet, but I think I can pawn her off somehow to one of the people I know or to a random wing I...
  5. L

    Friend Zone On Purpose? Pivot?

    I dont think that will work, she like me too much...and would be too flattered...maybe, but doesnt tht screw me up for the friends of her?
  6. L

    Friend Zone On Purpose? Pivot?

    There is this girl who I brought home a month ago an slept with on two other occasions within the same week. After about the second time I slept with her I realized I did not like having s ex with her. She is a nice person, but I really don't want to sleep with her anymore. She has been...
  7. L

    She Has 6 Guys!!!!!

    Ninja is right ... Not all women are worthy
  8. L

    She Has 6 Guys!!!!!

    Sounds like shes read The Bible and applied it ... learn from her
  9. L

    'Two Rules' to happy, enduring MLTRs

    At what point do you explain yourself and your rules do you just wait till things become physical or... ??? How does that conversation go?
  10. L

    Sex, Bleeding...

    No, she was not on her period, it was more of a light bleed I guess, I would not have fvucked her for the first time if she was on the rag. I have had gfs in the past and delt with the bleeding, just not one nighters ... your right it really is not a big deal. Yah and as far as being...
  11. L

    Sex, Bleeding...

    So I picked up this girl last week and I hung out with her three times since I met her, last night I finally brought her to bed. Everything was great, except after when I went to put on my boxers and she went to clean up in the bathroom I noticed my boxers were stained and it seemed to be...
  12. L

    How to act in a REALATIONSHIP?

    I think most importantly...KNOW what you want...If you have never been in a relationship before and are anxious to get into one, know exactly what you want first. I wasted two years because I did not know what I wanted. If you are not getting what you want don't kid yourself, move on.
  13. L

    Looooooooong Pickups...

    Obsidian I think you make a good point...I could either: 1. sit close to her and flirt with her 2. sit away from her and flirt 3. sit away from her and build status, "activly ignoring" her Either way after we get to the destination continue what I statred, and If I have gotten some...
  14. L

    Looooooooong Pickups...

    Hey there fellas! I was wondering what your thoughts are on "long pickups." For example Friday me and some friends are going to my buddies vacation house for the weekend, but it is a 9 hour drive away. It will be two other guys and three girls...six total in the car, for nine hours. One...
  15. L

    Broke up with onitis...but...

    Yah I mean I don't plan on "crawling back to her" at all. Also I will see her again and often, so do I try to avoid her, do I try to not talk to her or what? Should I not take her calls or return her txts? What is the best way to deal with these ex's? Contact with her will be enevitable...