Recent content by LaZaRuS

  1. L

    Would You Date A Girl Who Has The Same Last Name As You?

    Ahhhh!:eek: Marry her! Don't mention that! :D
  2. L

    Would You Date A Girl Who Has The Same Last Name As You?

    I agree with you guys..I didn't think its a big deal either, just kind of weird! :D I just hope that I don't find out she's my long lost sister! :eek:
  3. L

    Would You Date A Girl Who Has The Same Last Name As You?

    I met a chick this past weekend who is funny, hott (8.5-9), and really cool to be around. Hell, she's even bisexual(which is unbelievably cool to me:D ) BUT there's just 1 problem. We have the same last name! :eek: We're not related or anything, but I just think it'd be weird dating a girl with...
  4. L

    Girlfriend problems...

    Man I was in a very similar situation with my ex-girlfriend...It started out as the perfect relationship (she would always talk to me, wanna spend every second she could with me, gave me compliments - very high interest), but then one day out of nowhere thingsjust complely went to hell. I called...
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    Age plays a role with insecure girls (h/s)

    Back on topic - :D I agree 110% on the whole "girls will date older guys for almost any reason" thing. I'm a sophmore and almost every girl who is not single in by grade has a b/f who is at least a junior...The guys in my grade who have g/f's have g/f's who are freshmen.... Sure did! My ex...
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    Just Got My License

    If you want to listen to some music then go for it....... By the way man, be careful since you just got your license and everything! The first day I got my license I about killed myself. :eek:
  7. L

    What car do you drive?

    96 Dodge Stratus...Everyone tells me that its ugliest color green they've ever seen. It has manual locks/windows, standard cassete/radio, a few stains that i cant get rid of, and breaks that screetch every time I stop! I like to brag about my baby! :D
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    My girlfriend never gives me cookies either. As a matter of fact, I think she stole some cookies that I already did have. :(
  9. L

    What Should I Get My Girlfriend For Her Birthday?

    Thanks man, I'll do that... :)
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    What Should I Get My Girlfriend For Her Birthday?

    LOL :D *Hits self* Why didn't I think of that?!
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    What Should I Get My Girlfriend For Her Birthday?

    I've been seeing a girl for about 2 weeks and her birthday is next week. Any ideas on what to get her? :confused: ANY help would be great!
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    WOW! I took a look at the page and some of those numbers are amazing....For as big as some of those linemen are, they sure can move! :cool:
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    Yeah it's pretty competitive where I live too...In my area, football is LIFE! On friday nights almost EVERYONE in town goes to the games....It's crazy! I'm going to be starting Guard for varsity this year and I'm a sophmore. The girls love this! I'm the only sophmore starter for my team so...
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    Words men shouldn't use

    Cute! My girlfriend uses this word constantly. If it rubs off on me, and I ever say it I want one of you guys to kill me! :)