Recent content by krk

  1. K


    Can any one else give me their opinion?
  2. K


    Hey thanks for your view. In regards to the visiting at work, she was working by her self and was just closing up the store. It was really after her closing up we were talking and there was no one else (boss etc) to see. so i don't think that was aa huge problem. Also i think u are right in...
  3. K


    Hey all. I have had a situation with a girl where i have been going out to parties, clubs and went on a lunch date with, after which she would text me that she really enjoyed my company and that we should 'hang out again'. However, i turned up 2 her work at some point and we talked for a bit...
  4. K

    Fallen33's Approach Journal

    Hey dude. I just read ur journal and u seem 2 be doing well for yourself. Whens ur next post? Seems like u haven't been doing it in a while. One of my problems is i only really try to game girls and # close girls i have a real interest so i'm really not getting enough practice. Also with kino i...
  5. K


    Hi. A similar question has probs been posted elsewhere but i can't find it... I was just wondering when ur talking 2 a girl privately about non-sexual topics how do u change the conversation to a more flirtly one and then go in for a first kiss? Like i was just wondering what to talk about...
  6. K


    aight i'm the same person who originally posted this. I didn't bother responding to her last message about being busy so then later that nite she text me 2 say she wants 2 meet up and actually she sugested a time we could do so if i was free. Is this just because she wants 2 meet up or just...
  7. K


    Hey. I have recently been seeing this girl and have met up together a few times. Last sat nite we went to a party and enjoied the night together (not sexually) and seemed to get on well. The following day (sunday) she text me to say she enjoied herself and would like to hangout with me again. I...