Recent content by kraytkiller

  1. K

    Dating my older boss

    Looking for a bit of advice here, just any advice in general really... This is a new experience for me. I've dated plenty of women close to my age, and younger, one older I think... at 24. However this Friday I have set up a date with my boss at work.. who's 28. (I'm 21) We get along fine...
  2. K

    Guru1000's HB 7 - 9 Challenge

    Sounds fun. I'll snap some pics and message you tomorrow. Or post them.
  3. K

    Dumped Again ... Need Some Advice Guys

    Sounds unhealthy, I'd NC her and remove her from my life completely, to avoid any unnecessary emotional problems/roller-coasters. Ask yourself how will she benefit your life? How could she possibly hurt it? And is the reward worth the risk? And go from there. Just be honest with yourself.
  4. K

    Get Girls Caveman Style

    Who gives a ****? Accept it or leave...
  5. K

    Does curvy = fat??

    If a woman is trying to hide her body from you, you can assume its for a reason. Truly 'attractive' curvy chicks (few and far in between for me, but occasional) will post pics of themselves... If not, theyre fat bro and youd probably be grossed out meeting her. Srsly
  6. K

    Hey Millennials, Do you Call or Text?

    At my age my general reception has been it's weird if I try to call, either by ordering, just doing, or asking, it's all been less effective than just a solid text game... That being said, most of my pulls lately are off the internet, due to (excuses excuses), so things might be different if I...
  7. K

    Fat Women and their Comfort

    "I'm too lazy and already too huge to take on the massive discipline and effort it would require to lose this weight myself so I instead justify this mad poundage with the fact that guys still want to f*ck me, so that I don't realize the truth that I am ugly, most likely unhygienic but at the...
  8. K

    How to build sexual anticipation via late night texting

    Great guide, going to use this.
  9. K

    wh-oe getting married

    How is this going to help me get women?
  10. K

    how to take this farther?

    He's 17! Good advice for those breaking the law though, reading. Lol. He's probably worrying more about how to get alcohol. I remember when I was 15-16 and I'd get the told same lol. I was like 'this advice is useless :|' haha
  11. K

    Interesting OLD study and verifies what I've been saying about OLD

    The only ways to find women: Hobbies Nightlife Streets Strip clubs Work And Online So you can be assured anyone who's getting game and isn't doing it online is doing one of the before listed. And if you want to find women like them, approach a bunch of chicks in 1 or more of those...
  12. K

    Gonna break all the DJ rules

    Well, make sure to report back.
  13. K

    Turning a New Leaf

    It's stupid easy to kiss girls. Girls will let you kiss them even if they don't like you. It's best not to worry about that part. I dunno how younger girls play the game these days, but 3 days is long enough. Hit her up and see what she says. 3 days is fine. It's a neutral sign however. A good...
  14. K

    Bay Area, CA

    Anyone in the area, who'd like to team up?
  15. K

    Is this the right mindset/attitude to have?

    I've been on this website since I was a kid. Mostly studying. Too young to really have a valid opinion in participation. Didn't really know what I was doing. Long story short, put it into effect, laid a lot, realized it's no big deal, lost a lot of my insecurities, a few years went by, got a...