Recent content by Klippymitch

  1. K

    Alpha Males Everywhere!

    You could try lifting weights and build up some muscle. People wont mess with someone who's bigger than they are.
  2. K

    Touching breasts?

    If your not a great actor you'll come off looking weird.
  3. K

    Cosmopolitan(magazine) Is our enemy.

    I dont really read this magazine but I was over my freinds house the other day and got little bored and was flipping through his wife's Cosmo and some of the advice is basically the same as ours. Like "ignore him" and "remember your the prize". You know stuff like that. Teaching the girl to stay...
  4. K

    A guy gives out a fake number and it turns out to be mine.

    This girl called my phone and asks for Tyler. I told her no and she has the wrong number. Then she was all like "ah man""dang" "Shoot" and then she tells me my voice sounds cute. I told her "thank you" and "bye". Her voice did not sound cute. But man that was weird. Has this ever happened to...
  5. K

    Cant just **** a chick.

    I find it wrong to just bang a chick for my own pleasure(one night stands). You guys need to convince me that it's okay.
  6. K

    I just screwed up guys.

    Thanks foir the advice.
  7. K

    I just screwed up guys.

    Do you think that would of worked? She wouldnt agree to go out on an arranged date so why would she meet up with me on the same day. Anyways it was 8:40pm when she sent the message and I didnt even see it until 10:20pm. And plus she wanted to talk to me showing to me that there's interest...
  8. K

    I just screwed up guys.

    That wasnt me.:woo:
  9. K

    I just screwed up guys.

    No she's white and Im not sure where you were going with that one. Explanation please? Okay guys today she text messaged me "Whats up?". I never responded back and Im thinking by doing this she might freak a little thinking she might lose me and actually set up a day I can take her out. Or she...
  10. K

    I've figured something out.

    cool thanks for the advice.
  11. K

    I just screwed up guys.

    Okay we now know she doesnt want to go out with me. But I wish I knew the reason why. Like was she too shy and was intimidated by the idea of having to go on a date. or Was she just not interested in me.
  12. K

    I just screwed up guys.

    After reading this it kinda sounds like she doesnt want to go out with me at all. But she is a shy girl and hopefully that's the case.
  13. K

    I just screwed up guys.

    So I havent talk to this girl in like a year but I thought Id give it a go again. So I text messaged her whats up. and she says WHats up and seems kinda excited. Then I asked her to go see a movie with me sometime this weekend. and she says she would but she's busy with work and cant. So I...
  14. K

    ***** licking

    I have no idea what the chances of getting an std from licking ****. But I dont its very cool of you to be knowingly banging some dude's wife.
  15. K

    A "Cintamatic adventure"

    a little help from a highly known green herb would do the trick.