Recent content by jond

  1. J

    Why do some people "make it" here at Sosuave and some people don't...your thoughts?

    I think a lot of guys here may have things like mild social anxiety disorder. Reading about 'the game' wont fix that.
  2. J

    mystery method bootcamp -- anyone here gone to one?

    I just heard they're doing an event in my town and I'm thinking about it. Although its not cheap. Anyone here go through the mystery method bootcamp? Is it worth it? Thanks
  3. J

    Richmond, Va wings?

  4. J

    Advice To Chancer357

    I think you may benifit from a different forum: f which is from the website:
  5. J

    NLP -- lessening approach anxiety

    I think I have most of the basics down as far as the methods go and whatnot. What NLP methods did you use with your introversion? Have you tried using it with approach anxiety?
  6. J

    NLP -- lessening approach anxiety

    This is a good link to give you an idea: It goes over how to do the swish technique(used to change behaviors including shyness) and how to anchor things(used to change your state instantly).
  7. J

    NLP -- lessening approach anxiety

    I've read though 'Using your brain' by bandler and 'The Structure of Magic' by Bandler and Grinder. Both, although highly recommened on amazon, I thought were just 'okay'. Using your brain basically just talked about the swish technique. The Structure of magic just talked about your model of the...
  8. J

    Anchoring feelings for myself

    Hey man, do you have IM or email? I'm working on this right now too.
  9. J

    Anchoring feelings for myself

    Ahh. You're talking about RJ's take on using NLP to seduce women. What Francisco is talking about is REAL NLP. Two completely 110% different things in my opinion.
  10. J

    Pug's 100 approach journal

    Man, I love this post. It only took 2 weeks and 24 approaches to find someone who seems really cool. The simplicity of it could put all the SS companies out of business. lol And honestly, I think I would rather do 25 ultra-direct approaches then a bunch of 10-15 minute david-bowie opinion...
  11. J

    So shy

    Yep. Or as if we're doing something dumb or stupid. Like everyone else in the world knows whats going on, and we're just pathatically trying. Another subconscious fear I have is that I will run into a family member or co-worker while sarging, and I'll have to explain what I'm doing...
  12. J

    Advice To Chancer357

    I think a lot of people are in the same shoes as Chancer, they just dont have the balls to say so. I would bet 90% of people that come here, never really improve. They never get to the point where they can approach and pickup women.
  13. J

    NLP -- lessening approach anxiety

    Has anyone here used NLP to make approaching women easier? If so, what techniques did you use, and how much of a difference did it make? If have already overcome the approach fear, and you did it without NLP, is it that you tried NLP and found it not to work, or did you not try it? I...
  14. J

    So shy

    Yeah same here. I'm fine around friends and coworkers. For me its approaching a chick in front of other people that is hardest for me. I think I have a series of negative thoughts about everyone watching me, and basically thinking I'm a loser for trying to pickup a chick. Whats weird is...
  15. J

    Advice To Chancer357

    As Devils Advocate: What methods of beating his fears other than 'just doing it' have been suggested? Maybe I missed them?