Recent content by JazzPimpNYC

  1. J

    overly shy girl

    I TOTALLY agree with Rambo. There is no guarantee that she will ever come out of her shell regardless of how hard you try. You may just be wasting your time. You need to sit down and think hard about this. Do you want to spend a month trying to open her up? A few months? A year? More? Unless...
  2. J

    Couple Field Reports

    Mind if I make a few comments? Your assertiveness is great. It demonstrates masculine power by showing that you control your surroundings to get what you want. I agree with MOM that you should have treated the ugly girl the same. I think that you need to start prequalifying your...
  3. J

    What is YOUR reason for working out?

    Amen. A nice physique can only be bought by personal accountability.
  4. J

    Phone call went bad, NEXT...(?)

    You're done
  5. J

    dealing with soreness

    Eat beef steak after a workout. Studies show that the L-Carnitine, an essential amino acid, found in beef reduces, if not eliminates muscle soreness after a hard workout. It wouldn't be a bad idea to supplement your diet with a few grams of L-Carnitine a day
  6. J

    Quick and healthy lunches for around $3-$5 bucks?

    Subway IS the ****. I just started working there last week and I get foot-long sandwiches for 50 cents each. I dropped about 6 pounds of fat and the definition is really coming through. I get a foot-long turkey on wheat, no cheese, no mayo or mustard, some lettuce, spinach, green peppers, oil...
  7. J

    What are your experiences with GLUTAMINE??

    I have gotten good results while using Glutamine before and after workouts, coupled with Carnitine.
  8. J

    Get Tested!

    The statistics are shocking; STD's are running rampant. Just a reminder that if you are sexually active, GET TESTED for these diseases. Most show no symptoms for quite a while, and during this dormant period you could be spreading them to others without knowing. Just a few seconds of any genital...
  9. J

    How Did You Get Out of the FRIEND ZONE?

    I believe it is completely possible to avoid the "friends zone" with every girl you're in contact with. The key is that you have to be in control at all times, calling the shots. She obviously has the power way before she says "lets just be friends". For example, I knew this one girl for a...
  10. J

    Developing a personality

    1) Start reading classic literature. 2) Get your ass to the gym 3) Start practicing creative/performing arts. 4) Develop a circle of friends 5) Watch E! channel, read People magazine. 6) Take every social opportunity Just some ideas.
  11. J

    like talking to a wall

    Just remember, some girls will never break out of their shell no matter how hard you try. Usually its a good idea to find someone that is already open.
  12. J

    Protein shakes good or bad? Results?

    The key to protein intake is how much and how long the stuff will remain in your blood stream. Processed proteins such as Whey are rapidly absorbed, which is good when you need a large amount of protein immediately after a work-out, however, in a few hours your body will require more. For...
  13. J

    alittle overweight

    80% of the work to become lean happens in the kitchen, not the gym. Limit your caloric intake by separating your meals into 6 small meals eaten at 2 or 3 hour intervals. Be sure to cut all junk food, eat no excess sugars and fats, and eat fresh vegetables, lean meats, almonds, wholegrains, and...
  14. J

    Asking to be friends w/ benefits, does it ever work?

    In my experience the friends-with-bennys thing has never worked, or at least until I decided to let them go. You have to understand that women are extremely emotional and sometimes irrational when it comes to relationships. She has to be a ****ing ***** in order for there to be a...
  15. J

    need tips on how to keep a fcuk-buddy

    trust me, there's no such thing as a no-strings-attached **** buddy.