Recent content by ItWasntMe

  1. I

    Change from AFC to DJ Problem Once Again!

    change gradually, rushing into things may seem like a great idea because you want to get started but just relax a bit and let it flow. It all depends on what these changes are, talking more and brushing your teeth in the morning aren't big changes. What are these huge changes you're talking...
  2. I

    Good read for those having problems with diet/training

    It seems that a lot of sites don't like too much. Interesting FAQ but the knowledge is very basic.
  3. I

    I have many options, do I go for this, that, or all of them?

    I was in your shoes a month ago, I just chose the girl that was important to me. Around that time I saw a movie called Good Luck Chuck with Dane Cook and realized that yeah, it's great having all these gals, but if I can't be close to the one that means something to me, what's the point? If you...
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    Dream Job ?

    That would take all the fun out of sex. Just think about it.
  5. I

    Seduction is a mind game(Long Read).

    Well put. The realization of this trend is good because it seems to only be understood by those working towards becoming a "higher value" or are already a "higher value".
  6. I

    Almost Lost My Six-Pack After Thanksgiving (Might Make Some of You Laugh)

    I think you were bloated by all the food and so a bit of a bulge appeared, your body just had to digest and sh1t it all out before everything returned to normal which can take a couple of days. 1 day of sabotage won't ruin your body, making a habit of sabotaging will.
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    Dream Job ?

    Well how about a regular family doctor then? That's what I've been thinking of.
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    Dream Job ?

    I already have my dream job as a snowboarding instructor lol, now I just need to find a job that interests me and will keep me occupied after High School.
  9. I

    The Official Boot Camp Results Thread

    The "Hi's"o go quicker if you're standing up straight, looking up, and smiling. Get used to that and it'll be no problem.
  10. I

    The Official Boot Camp Results Thread

    Sorry everyone about my unexplained leave of absence lol. I've been working construction and the 10 hour days, 6 days a week kept me from being able to continue doing the boot camp. However I'm back on and as soon as I find out where I left off I'm going to be back into it. Hopefully there...
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    Male and Female

    It's only fair man. Males were put on the pedestal for the longest time and now the women are having their turn. Things will flip around in a few hundred years.
  12. I

    The Official Boot Camp Results Thread

    Approach girls randomly in the halls when they aren't surrounded by her bf and his buddies. Navyseal week 2 ended on Sunday and we are now part way through week 3. If you didn't get all 10 convos but got 7+ convos then you can continue this week, if you got 6 or less then I suggest repeating...
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    Should I go out for football or not?

    lol. Don't go encouraging another player to play dirty. I almost broke the spine of the last kid I faced that played dirty. Everyone in my league or w/e played dirty this year. 2 kids on my team were competing to see who could throw the most punches in the ruck. It was sad. I just hit dirty...
  14. I


    different girls have different tastes or maybe your game wasn't up to par. Younger girls tend to go for guys who are a bit wilder and older ones for guys who are slightly more mature. Maybe you just ended up with a bunch of high self-esteem, high maintenance girls that night. Who knows? I can't...
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    The Official Boot Camp Results Thread

    Preferably random people that you have never met in your life. Quick note to anyone who thinks they can just cheat and up their convos by 1 or 2 to move on in the weeks, cheating in this is just cheating yourself. EDIT: went to the movies and hit 16 convo's total. Out of the 7 tonight 4 were...