Recent content by ImWithTheDJ

  1. I

    OKCupid and texting

    If she doesn't response to your texts that mean she isn't interested. Next her.
  2. I

    What is your weakness?

    Being looked like a loser for hitting on girls.
  3. I

    Man, sometimes i wish i was gay

    Being gay is the same thing as prostituting yourself. If you look from another gay person perspective then you are the one who's being used for sex just as he is.
  4. I

    Online Dating-How soon should I ask for a second date?

    You can ask her at any times. It doesn't matter as long as you're not needy and insisted on going out with her. If there was a connection on the first date then why bother trying to game her. She is already interested. If anything it would be counter-productive. Try to not ruin the chemistry...
  5. I

    People who can get girls don't go on this site

    Just make sure who you listen to
  6. I

    People who can get girls don't go on this site

    No, I come here for a good laugh
  7. I

    People who can get girls don't go on this site

    if u don't know sh*t then stfu
  8. I

    People who can get girls don't go on this site

    I detect 2 losers replying
  9. I

    People who can get girls don't go on this site

    Stop being a loser and sitting behind your f*cken computer telling people how many "girls" you've bang and how masculine you are.
  10. I

    What is SELF-RESPECT?

    you gotta love yourself. If you can't then make the changes necessary so that you do. No person is above you and none below you. Treat everyone with the same respect as you would treat yourself. Be honest and have integrity in everything that you do.
  11. I

    2nd annual approach anxiety competition

    u guys are losers
  12. I

    Why are women not smiling back at me nor giving eye contact?

    stop being desperate. get ur life together and when you're ready, you'll find a girl.
  13. I

    How to become more sexual

    i don't mind being in the friend zone and u shouldn't avoid it either. What u and a lot of guys on this site are looking for is a quick laid and that's ain't going to happen unless your good looking or rich. I have a lot of girls who are friends and I know they like me too.
  14. I

    How to get better conversation skills

    good post. I used to have social anxiety but just recently got over it. I realize that I love talking to people and enjoy a nice conversation with anyone. Gonna check out toastmaster to improve my public speaking skills.
  15. I

    How to become more sexual

    It's hard to get a girl to have orgasm. If you can then more power to you, otherwise stick to building rapport and being yourself. Women don't really think about sex as much as we do.