Recent content by I_was_born_a_PIMP

  1. I

    Learn to dissect/reflect on conversations with women

    The main difference between men and women is that after an interaction women go home and dissect and reflect on there total interaction with a man. From the time they met to the time they parted. Men need to learn this very valuable trait. From now on after an interaction with a woman go home...
  2. I

    RLE: "I Logically Defeated Each Argument"

    Boiler Rooms- greatest line ever!! "Don't pitch the b!tch!!! Meaning don't sell to woman!! Hilarious!!
  3. I

    You guys are not alpha

    That's right!! I 100% cosign this message!!!
  4. I

    How do you apologize without coming across as beta?

    Just say sorry with a very sincere face and leave it as that. You come off as beta when you are always apologizing. You need to say sorry when you REALLY MEAN IT!!!
  5. I

    You guys are not alpha

    No learn how to keep a straight FACE. That doesn't mean looking angry that has nothing to do with it. You probably smile too much which does come off as SWEET. Don't take my word for it take hers. You probably are SWEET. With all that laughing and joking you do!!!
  6. I

    You guys are not alpha

    Lies!!! online dating doesn't get you laid. 90% of the post on this site is about LAMES doing online dating and can't get LAID. " where did I go wrong?" is their main line. You went wrong doing online dating. You went wrong thinking your really dating this woman cause you sent her an email...
  7. I

    Domestic Violence from my pregnant girlfriend

    This sh't is hilarious!! "You are a battered man" haha. Funny.
  8. I

    Should I ask a female out more then once if they don't respond?

    No!! Get off this online dating sh!t and go into the real world. Online is for the WEAK!!!
  9. I

    You guys are not alpha

    Just sheeps. How can you be alpha and scared of rejection. How can you be alpha and everything that comes out your mouth is a joke. How can you be alpha and do online dating. How can you be alpha and text on your first contact to a woman. How can you be alpha and call 5 times asking did she get...
  10. I

    How to ask girl to go out to eat

    These guys are all teaching you wrong sh!t. Since this is a NEW relationship , don't ask the girl to any event until the day of the event. If you do it comes off as TOO needy, like you sat around the house all day thinking about her. Second don't ask, direct. Simple say " let's go get something...
  11. I

    Extreme depression post breakup

    The only thing that is going to make you feel better right now is EGO GRATIFICATION. You need your ego stroked and the best way to do this is to f@ck another woman. Not a basic woman but a 8-10 on a scale of 1-10. Mark my words this will work. You need to be inside of another woman. To feel a...
  12. I

    Keeping a woman interested when you can't meet?

    you can't. You must meet face to face. So she can see your mannerism and you can see her mannerism this can not be accomplished online. You can only keep interest levels high once you guys go out and have fun together. Once again this can not be accomplished online. I think online...
  13. I

    On becoming a MAN!!

    100% cosign. You where able to articulate the answer for "TheSlasher". Thank you
  14. I

    Getting set up by a friend...advice needed

    You should have called. Texting looks weak. The first initial conversation should always be a call.
  15. I

    Observation of the community

    Word. Common sense only comes by making mistakes early and learning quickly.