Recent content by Honda-821

  1. H

    Cell Phone Radiation

    wow your on the phone a lot. but i think its just a bunch of bs to me, seems like if your living then your getting cancer. every week there is somethin new that gives you cancer
  2. H

    A different kind of health and fitness...

    ya i used to be the same person your talking about until i decided to change my life. i went from being depressed, never talked, had 0 girlfriends, and nobody knew who i was to being outgoing, talkative, having tons of girls, and being well know. some stuff that helped me out was to not let the...
  3. H

    Mystery's show on VH1 [Merged Threads]

    ya true. i think the movie industry might help the show plumit too. they always show how the guy that gets all the girl is good lookin, buys girls everything, will do anything for them, and such a nice guy. so if they even try out the information he supplys, and fails horribly then they might...
  4. H

    Mystery's show on VH1 [Merged Threads]

    im not sure if this is going to be very good for the rest of us. think about it, there will be more competition, plus women will be watching it so its like giving out our secrets. yes i know there are many websites about that kind of stuff online, but that is a lot different than a very popular...
  5. H

    Egg Whites (where to get them)

    just eat the wholse egg. and btw when you cook eggs your body absorbs more of the nutrients than an uncooked egg.
  6. H


    link is broken, but if its the one im thinking it is bill starr 5X5 program (what its called from a diff board) then they arent really the same. there is a big difference in 3X5 than 5X5
  7. H

    How many times to work muscle group per week?

    depends on how much volume your are doing in the work out. you could do a full body work out and every other day you work your whole body or you could do a split and work it once a week. we need more info
  8. H


    ha good. if you dont like that program you could check out Starting Strength. i made awsome gains from that
  9. H


    were you planning on doing all of those in one work out?
  10. H

    Weight low question.

    like others said. weigh yourself in the morning before you drink/eat anything. and it was most likely a loss of water weight from your workout