Recent content by hbxdoode

  1. H

    Where to bang this girl

    who gives a sh!t when you bang her... bang her in your car, behind her house, behind a bush, on your roof, you can bang her anywhere bro, why you thinking so much? if you can't even come up with a place to bang her, then am guessing you'll probably last 1 minute at most, so don't even waste your...
  2. H

    Advice Needed from Experienced DJ's ONLY

    yo sebastian, am happy for you that you got the girl! dont listen to these haters in here who are just jealous because they can't get a girl. you did the right thing by going with how you felt. you felt like you still care for her and wanted her back and you got her... mission accomplished!!! in...
  3. H

    I hate being the shy/quiet guy.

    i think the first mistake you made is going to that bar by yourself. you should of have invited a friend or two to go along, so you can at lease someone to socialize with. bar or club is boring going by yourself anyhow. you mentioned that ufc was on, it was the perfect time for you to...
  4. H

    When you ask a girl out...

    it all depends on you bro. what kinds of things you're into! for me, i'm pretty mellow guy. instead of going to the movies, i rent movies and invite the chick to my house, that way it's easier to make my move over some wine, make sure i set the mood right. There's nothing wrong with taking...
  5. H

    Feedback! please... wasting time?

    i've never tried to hollar at a chick with a bf before, so this is new to me. ill see her in class this tuesday and will start from there, i will give myself 2 weeks from tuesday to see if i can fvck her or atlease have some kind of advancement!
  6. H

    why isnt this girl having sex with me?

    dude! isnt HPV genital warts? you better be careful man.
  7. H

    I think my gf cant orgasm...

    just nut on her face!!! that should excite her.
  8. H

    cars and chicks?

    get a bike dude! chicks dig guys a bikes. its alot cheaper too.
  9. H

    Feedback! please... wasting time?

    good sh!t attractology, i feel what youre sayin. its not like am desperate, i have no problem meeting girls, the only thing is that i'm quite picky, i tend to meet single girls and mess around and feel something wrong with them as an excuse. but this girl she's really cool, only exception from...
  10. H

    Feedback! please... wasting time?

    well, i texted her yesterday just to see what she was doing... texted back and forth couple times, then she calls me, we talked for bout 15 minutes. she said she was going to her friends house then to her bf's. i told her we should kick it tonight(which is yesterday) if she gets bored hanging...
  11. H

    Feedback! please... wasting time?

    that he's bad!... gets into lots of trouble. that's it! didnt really asked her about him.
  12. H

    My Cousin...

    if you dont mind me asking, what nationality are you?
  13. H

    Feedback! please... wasting time?

    well, the boyfriend thing kinda came up during the conversation... i didnt ask her or anything. I'm just gonna call her up to kick it, see what what happens
  14. H

    Feedback! please... wasting time?

    thanks RJAMES407, good advice, but whats AFC, IOI, oneitis? i have no idea what that means.
  15. H

    Feedback! please... wasting time?

    ok, ive been noticing this girl in my summer class for a couple of weeks now. i've noticed that she checks me out during class. its one of those things where you catch them looking at you and then they turn kinda thing. anyhow today i finally got a chance to talk to her after class. had great...