Recent content by HalEmmerich22

  1. H

    Successful eye contact

    I think Taz's post on where the eyes go as another form of body language is excellent. I haven't seen somehting like this in the bible or anything so Taz, I propose that you make a post about eye contact as a form of body language and that that post be submitted into the DJ Bible. I believe it...
  2. H

    Successful eye contact

    I think Taz's post on where the eyes go as another form of body language is excellent. I haven't seen somehting like this in the bible or anything so Taz, I propose that you make a post about eye contact as a form of body language and that that post be submitted into the DJ Bible. I believe it...
  3. H

    Successful eye contact

    I think Taz's post on where the eyes go as another form of body language is excellent. I haven't seen somehting like this in the bible or anything so Taz, I propose that you make a post about eye contact as a form of body language and that that post be submitted into the DJ Bible. I believe it...
  4. H

    A great way to analyze dating : )

    Woah woah you've got me all wrong. I am not saying instead of going out on a date watch television and analyze. It obviously does no give one the field experience they need. I am just saying it is entertaining to watch how easily people screw up. Now if you could up your confidence enough you...
  5. H

    A great way to analyze dating : )

    I found a great way to analyze dates and find mistakes people make and what to do differently without actually going on the date. Watch the show "Taildaters" on MTV. I don't know what time it is normally on and I am sure you could find out. I was watching these past couple of days and people...
  6. H

    This site has changed my life.

    I would just liek to let everyoe know that this website has changed my whole life. Before lookng at this site the past couple o weeks I had zero confidence an I was wondering what I was dong wrong with girls and why I have never been on a date. I have realized that I have been doing plenty...