Recent content by GigalöDJ

  1. G

    What does she want?

    Never wonder what a girl wants. Focus on her actions, and actions alone.
  2. G

    Invites friend at the last second

    Echoing some other guys..get her too.
  3. G

    Buying car research

    You can always negotiate.
  4. G

    How pervasive is technology in your life?

    I use it daily, just like most of you.
  5. G

    My personal rants

    Ask Crazy...
  6. G

    Ban GigalöDJ

    I'm @ a library, not much good there... my god, InSaine, you get irked so easily... I never even crossed you... oh well, just wait!
  7. G

    "The Get Laid DJ Boot Camp" Idea

    Yeah, they really do...
  8. G

    Anyone had this problem with women?

    Yeah, first off, stay off the Ted Bundy. Second of all, your problem is that, for one, you are WAY to bitter about being with women who aren't SUPER-FCUKABLE, don't be so pissed... plenty of guys out there who couldn't even pimp 3's. Second of all, how often do you meet a guy who has the...
  9. G

    Ban name stealing!!!

    I do this from a library...
  10. G

    Life is a Game!

    C'mon, Starmassochist, who do you think Poök is?
  11. G

    Ban name stealing!!!

    Yeah, thanks a lot... How are you, btw? :D :D :D :D :D