Recent content by Garbury

  1. G

    benefits of a nice car?

    yeah, I have a 240sx thats turboed and makes about 400 hp at the crank. Its got a non resonated exhaust and is loud as $hit, and sounds insane (no weedwhacker). The body on the car is horrible, like dents everywhere, chipping paint on the bumper, burn marks/soot from the exhaust, front bumper...
  2. G

    Pre-workout stimulants...

    I absolutely love preworkout supplements. The vein bulging and increased energy/focus make lifting the most exciting part of my day, any day. No-xplode is pretty good stuff. It will get you going pretty well, though it is expensive. I'm currently taking shock therapy by Universal. It works...
  3. G

    how can i be alpha at this party im going too?

    Yeah definately hit up the people you know, then keep your eyes open for girls looking at you. Body language is pretty important here so if you act nervous or uncomfortable girls may lose interest. If you are too nervous to leave the people you know just drink more, haha, it always works...
  4. G

    pullups vs chinups

    I do wide grip to widen my lats and close grip to hit my biceps and lats. They all hit different angles, just pull with your lats and you will feel which part gets hit. But seriously, a wide grip pull up (as wide as you can go) done properly will add serious mass to your lats.
  5. G

    developing a nice tan.

    considering you live in floride, just go outside. Take the time it normally takes you to start to burn, and subtract 5 and just do that everyday. After a few weeks of this, I was nice and golden with no sunburn at all. Or, you could do tanning booth, but the sun is free.
  6. G

    Critique My Diet for Cutting

    a good trick i use to cut is to wake up and before i do anything (even eat breakfast) run a few miles. It works even better to use HIIT. This alone, and no specific diet helped me to cut up this spring.
  7. G

    Creatine: A Necessity?

    i took cell-tech every day, (just 5 grams, no loading phase) until the jug ran out. I worked out 5 or 6 days a week, and i wasn't over training because i felt stronger each time. I cut out cardio to eliminate extra calorie expenditure, and i ate like a pig immediately follwing my workout. I...
  8. G

    Post workout and alcohol?

    all i know is i drank like crazy last semester while taking cell tech, and i went from 185 lbs to 220 lbs. My bench went from 240 to 290. Thats the only thing i maxed in but everything went up, even thoguh i was gettign trashed all weekend. If you are really serious, don't drink, but i...
  9. G

    Post workout and alcohol?

    they say alcohol is good for you, if you do one drink like every day or so. One beer will help you fall asleep, its my favorite form of nyquil. Just make sure you are hydrated and eating ok and 1 beer won't have any noticable effects on you
  10. G

    Macked two girls today

    I love the facebook man, I actually got my first lay from it last night. It's pretty pathetic though, considering it takes zero courage to poke/message any random hottie.
  11. G

    What are the chances of her getting pregnant?

    Yeah man you need to calm down...There is no way you could have gotten her pregnant, absolutely no way.
  12. G

    H.S. screwed me up...

    I got really depressed too my senior and junior years in highschool and here's how i combatted these problems. -I tried the drinking and weed and pills and that crap, it didn't make me happy. When you are depressed getting messed up only makes you more depressed later on, wait until you are...
  13. G

    Asking out

    It seems like you are in a dilemma as you want the girl to be YOUR girlfriend by "going out". -Now I used to do this in highschool and worry about "going out" but to a DJ this shouldn't even matter. Don't worry about the labels of dating, and just do it...besides then ur still good to go for...
  14. G

    Orgasming[I'm a teenager] causes headaches...?

    i don't know but right after im done sometimes my ears ring, anyone else get ringing ears?
  15. G

    check this crap out! lol

    I used to be a student of that site about 2 years ago. Oh man, i have never been so miserabl ein my entire life. Then i came here, and I laughed at everything i did, and now chicks are easy. That Sh!t is rediculoud.