Recent content by francheezy

  1. F

    mature communication

    Follow up: Actions taken afterwards: -I drastically reduced communication. No more texting or calls. I would ignore some of her calls but would attend to others. I started to ignore some of her texts. -Her family visited that weekend, little communication -Monday, she was calling and left a...
  2. F

    who's in charge

    Hello ya'll So I sat drinking some java the other day and started to think about some seemingly conflicting concepts. If we abide by certain guidelines thrown around here or by certain writers like David D Angelo, one can probably say to: -not always be available -confidence in action...
  3. F

    mature communication

    ok. so here's a question: what's more DJ- to learn to give trust and know that you can get through whatever comes your way? Even if it goes South? Or to be with a high guard, in essence in a self protective mode by scrutinizing and trying to in essence translate/reinterpret...
  4. F

    mature communication

    lmao OK - ya'll went on a rant about this stuff. Great, I appreciate the attention lol but here's something no one, not me, not you, or frankly anyone expected..... so we met up. Frankly I thought she knew about other women I'm seeing which is entirely what I was expecting from...
  5. F

    mature communication

    update So I've opted for the high route. This afternoon I txt her saying hello and asking for her to make some time this evening because i'd like to talk in person. Surprise surprise she txt back. we'll b meting up but she wants to be friends, she doesnt see it going further. Ayayay. We...
  6. F

    mature communication

    thanks for the posts guys. well, oneitis is an issue, however i'm also seeing other women. It's just that this one is a ferrari and the others are cadillacs! hehe obviously i'm going to try a bit harder. OK - what about simply calling her out on it? Calling is almost out of the...
  7. F

    mature communication

    Hello all, So I recently started dating this woman I met online. I met her before thanksgiving, and by mid december I would say we were "dating" Some facts: -She's successful and she knows it. 25, bilingual, owns her own place, masters degree in engineering. You get the picture. A...
  8. F

    fun girls or smart girls

    how would you guys approach if shes constantly studying? I've been brain farted for a couple days now, they are in finals in med school and they are cranking out the work. Prob is, how do you approach if shes only studying with a friend all the time? lol this sucks
  9. F

    fun girls or smart girls

    I realize its portuguese, I'm actually hispanic myself so I know how they work. Very similar cultures. Anyhow, Im in the loop with the lebanese one already, since I havent seen the brazilian in a while. BTW< I just realized that the lebanese one is soooooooo I mean ridiculously funny. I was...
  10. F

    fun girls or smart girls

    Hey everyone this is Pancho84 for those that might remember, I lost my login info and bla bla bla oh well Anyhow so I'm at crossroads - sortoff. Im young(20), accomplished(tri lingual, finishing my bachelors within 3 months) and busy(very busy with stuff) obviously not much time to spare...