Recent content by FindingMyCool

  1. F

    So am at the bar.

    I'm suited up, at the bar, the room is mine so am comfortable and I belong. My body language is saying "hello ladies". So I order my whiskey and a group of girls approach the bar beside me. I wait, contemplating which hand I play to get among the group. I then proceed to do absolutely nothing...
  2. F

    She is Engaged and I want her...

    She has also been divorced... hence why I think she might be making a second mistake with this guy. Rushing to make right what went wrong the first time, settling for a nice guy but not the right guy... I'm going on this date and I'm going to play it like a champion. I'm as charming as Owen...
  3. F

    She is Engaged and I want her...

    Thanks for the insight people. I will take this on board. The date was arranged for a casual outing, just for us to hang out... I see where you draw your conclusions from but to retort, she isn't completely satified with her partner. I am conveying my celebration of how attractive she is, to...
  4. F

    She is Engaged and I want her...

    I'll tell you everything you need to know... There is a girl. She is the dream girl. She is also engaged. Met her through a friend, to whom she's related. We've met three times with company now and we are going on a date soon, this is what we both understand it as, a date. What kind of date...
  5. F

    Brotherly advice would be cool.

    I have a situation that I could probably handle but am feeling I could benefit for my peers advice. So, I met this girl, she would be my finest catch and she came to me. She thinks am sexy – I know it ;-), we've made out and things were rolling along so smoothly... but she's a hard project...
  6. F

    The best advise for guys like me.

    If you consider yourself a fairly decent guy, honest, random, got potential, you've watched your fair share of South Park/Family guy, you like movies featuring Seth Rogan etc, the occasional horror, enjoy your alcohol from time to time, aged between 16 and 20-anything the advise I got for you is...
  7. F

    Morpheus and Neo.

    Misplaced Energy and the DJ Within. I had to study psychology for a semester, I bought a big book on it . . . did you know that when you are in a room with a lot of people, and they are all talking – when you maintain conversation with one person in that room you are partaking in the...
  8. F


    Can never go wrong with jeans but try to go for the more interesting kinds, different shades, bootcut, interesting stitching designs . . . also make sure the shoes look newish and cool. When they get messed up, time to buy some new kicks. I always wear a T-Shirt under a shirt - never button...
  9. F

    Issues with a girl . . .

    I'll tell you. . . Initially, what happened was we met at a mates party sort of set-up and ended up in the sack together and then went out from there. She didn't ignore me so much so in the public place as appose to me ignoring her, we spoke, just not in the depth I would have liked. She was...
  10. F

    Issues with a girl . . .

    Yeah, I was trying to be spontaneous and fun, we laughed about it later though >.> I don't want to look at this as a negative relationship destine for doom. Fact is, I have a girlfriend now . . . I don't want to dwell in the past, yesterday is over - tomorrows a new day, a chance for new...
  11. F

    Issues with a girl . . .

    As it turns out, all the issues were with her. She was trying to get over her ex before me and she wasn't hitting on anyone when I was around her - just an over possessive observation. Anyways, I have her back now. I didn't give her an inch really, there was no handing over of my balls. We...
  12. F

    Issues with a girl . . .

    Urgh . . . you are so right. I mean, what would suck more would be if I do my thing and then she knocks me back again . . . then I find myself agreeing with all you guys. Late. Well, it's almost 6am here . . . I'm gonna try catch some shut eye and get my priorities in check. Peace...
  13. F

    Issues with a girl . . .

    Well, the advice is sage. I just don't know if I will take it . . . things with this girl, they are not clean cut, the wound is ragged and I think the only way it'll heal is if I hand her my balls, in asking her out again, and hope she gives me them back. I feel like I need to prove...
  14. F

    Issues with a girl . . .

    Alright . . . so maybe I'm still a little fragile guys, shiiit. Lol I feel she has the upper hand though! If anything I wanna get her out with me then dump her ass, so I have the upper hand. Or I could just find a hotter chick and flaunt her infront of her . . . yeah, I see where this...
  15. F

    Issues with a girl . . .

    Thanks, sometimes you just need someone else to tell you and reinforce what you know to be true. I feel like a shmuch for suggesting this but I am going to tell her to come with me on a date Thursday, next week and if it works, it works. If not, its more experience. Besides, I know I...