Recent content by Febreze

  1. F

    can you REALLY meet people alone at a club?

    everyone says you can pick up girls alone at the club without looking weird, but is this really true? or are they going to be weirded out by you being alone no matter how good you look or how good your game is?
  2. F

    favorite elstud quotes?

    when he said "arizonas iced pee" i wet myself. what are some other good ones from the fat retard?
  3. F

    how to open girls solo at a club?

    whats a good opener for opening groups of girls when you are alone at a club? or opening single girls? eithier. need help asap am leaving soon.
  4. F

    went to a club alone last night and sat for a bit but had to leave...

    ....can i go again tonight without looking weird? i was there for about an hour alone last night but my allergies started to flare up to the point where i couldnt stand it anymore and left. I want to go back alone again tonight, but do you guys think its a good idea? or will i be socially...
  5. F

    Women act weird around me. why?

    Ive had women my whole life tell me i was attractive, and have actually never been called unnatractive before so i know it isnt because im ugly or anything, but is this stuff really true? I didnt think women really got intimidated by looks at all.
  6. F

    Women act weird around me. why?

    ive actually been told my whole life im very attractive physically, and im built very well. But im wondering how true it is because if i was women would be receptive to me id imagine.
  7. F

    Women act weird around me. why?

    Everywhere i go, women stare at me, but IMMEDIATLY look away when i look in their direction. i mean this seriously must happen 30+ times a day whever i go. Furthermore, it seems like women will act normal towards other people but then have nothing to say to me. Im talking more along the lines of...
  8. F

    I enjoy going to a club alone, but starting to wonder.....

    thanks for the replies.. i also worry ill run into someone i know from work or what not and they will wonder what im doing at a place alone any of u guys ever have that happen?
  9. F

    I enjoy going to a club alone, but starting to wonder.....

    Hey guys, i just had a question i was curious about. maybe you can help. I frequent one club (by frequent i mean i go every 3 weeks or so) and ive always done fine there, have girls approach me everytime im there, never any problems at all. I almost always go alone because i honestly prefer...
  10. F

    how to get a cougar?

    how does one go about picking up an older woman? i was with a 35 year old once but she came to me so i didnt get to pick her up or anything but it was so hot and i want it again. any special ways that are different to pick up cougars? serious replys only plz./
  11. F

    Clubbing alone?

    I know this has been brought up before, but the search function is not working and i have a friend right here with me who does not believe a word i say about going to clubs solo and i would love for you guys to tell him how it is. his names Mike. He says hes gone to the same club alone for a...
  12. F

    Im sick of hearing about "leagues." Dont buy into the bull****!

    You arent wrong, but from my experiences, while attractive women do have options, a lot of the men beating down their door are average chumps anyways.
  13. F

    Im sick of hearing about "leagues." Dont buy into the bull****!

    Everyones said it. "so and so is out of my league/ im out of their league" BULL****. Let me tell you, leagues are bull**** excuses created by those too scared or without sufficient self esteem to approach. You need to GO FOR IT and stop worrying about leagues. I have been in the fashion...
  14. F

    A word on overthinking.

    very constructive post. i appreciate trying to help and being talked down too.