Recent content by experienced

  1. E

    I'm guilty, what's my charge?

    ^dude, lol at yourself. just read what you wrote... and damn, you're doing more to piss her off? you're a vicious little ***** imo. i run stop lights and stop signs all the time. so what the lady may have been in a hurry. she almost killed you...she didn't physically do any harm to...
  2. E

    I'm guilty, what's my charge?

    you're screwed...there's no proof that she did anything to you. but there is proof that someone ripped her sideview mirror off. damn man, you have to be pretty pissed off to do something like that...did you pull it off with your bare hands? you've already confessed your crime to all of...
  3. E

    what will you be for halloween? ideas?

    sup, just wondering what you guys will be for halloween, as in costumes... me and my buds are going to a party. i was thinking of a giant penis costume...there's a costume shop by my house, so i got options. what are you guys doing?