Recent content by DIO9366

  1. D

    Guys: learn from this post - you must play cool

    It's always painful man.. always You just have to let it go It's about letting things go, so you can get what you want
  2. D

    Let the girl miss you- how to do it ?

    good luck to you! i am at the same cause with you too!
  3. D

    What is wrong with the world nowadays

    tell me how to use this game as my advantage?:confused:
  4. D

    What is wrong with the world nowadays

    Today I kinda have a deep thought on men and women... So here is the girl, the typcial one who think herself as a predator, and guys are her prey.She uses guys and suck up their enegy so she can feel emotional fullfiled. I dated her once and find out she is the type and never ask...
  5. D

    I met a girl..a unstable one

    thanks for the advice guys Now I know she's the type of girl who is afriad to be a woman. She think herself as a predator, guys are her prey. she use guys so she can feel emotional fulfilled. She's probably afriad to have real sex with real man. What a dumb ***** anyway!
  6. D

    I met a girl..a unstable one

    Hii everyone This is my first post here and I just want to let you guys know that this place give me a warm feeling^^ Well here is my stoy, I met a girl in my class. She is the type of girl who knows how to manipulate a man's heart. There were a lots of guys went after her...