Recent content by Dev

  1. D

    Just a small question.

    bob88 - It depends on your physique right now. What body fat percent are you? Men typically see abs between 8% and 10% body fat. And like it's been said, if you have no pectoral muscles, the only way to get them is to bulk. A wealth of information can be found here.
  2. D

    Q for nutrition experts

    If you had drank the pepsi before a workout yoou'd have been better off. Your body would have burned off the sugar as it is easiest for your body to burn. However, you drank it before bed, at that point your metabolism drops like a rock. You would have burned off a bit of that sugar, but you...
  3. D


    Read this article on use of creatine. During the loading phase, it is much more effective when creatine is taken in conjunction with glucose.
  4. D

    New weight loss diet plan!

    I've been reading a lot about weight loss (including Diesel's cutting thread). Also I've been reading a lot of diet books. I find that a lot of them do one thing very well. Perhaps combining a few concepts will produce a very effective weight loss diet. I was just hoping to see what you guys...
  5. D

    worst protein shake ever

    I haven't tried those meal replacement things from Champion Nutrition. Maybe they're not that great according to some people here. But I use Champion Nutrition whey protein powder. It's the only stuff I use now. It tastes great and is relatively cheap.
  6. D

    the official what (not) to do thread!

    Here is something not to do. Girl tells you she doesn't want to get involved in anything. You still want her. A month later you end up with her best friend. And in the end you still want her.
  7. D

    Real Confidence

    Good post. As much as we like to think we have the confidence issue taken care of, it is necessary from time to time to have a reminder. Thanks.
  8. D

    Acne and shy problem

    For the acne, go to a local dermatologist. Some people need precription medication to clear up their acne. As far as the shy problem... read the bible.
  9. D

    Nice guy at heart, need help changing

    You have what is called nice guy syndrome. Join the club. It manifests itself by exuding total AFC behavior. I found a site that really helps. I bought the book (From, $7) and it is incredible.
  10. D

    Tenshi's Journal on Bible Boot Camp

    I've found that in the whole "hi" experiment, you can't fake it. By faking it I mean that you are only doing it because you feel that you are shy and you know that you ought to do it. From my experiences you need it to come from within. You have to want to get to know new people and you also...
  11. D


    No way! This better get put into the bible! Good work Fingz!
  12. D

    DJ's with bad acne??

    KillingTime- As far as I'm concerned taking care of any acne problems is crucial to keeping your confidence. It's done wonders for my confidence. I'm not sure what you've tried but dermatologists can cure most (if not all) forms of acne. Like the advice in the link above says, first you...
  13. D

    first real date ever w/ a special girl.

    Im pretty new here myself but I've learned quite a few tricks. Let's give this a try. Veterans, please feel free to contribute. Well, it is obvious you are nuts about this girl, but what you need to think about is not "winning" her affection, I'm not even sure if this can be done. Either...
  14. D

    Aim high!

    This is something that I didn't see in the DJ bible while I was reading. Did I miss it? Anyhow, good work Pook. Im sure we could take many of Pook's posts and compile the "book of Pook" within the DJ bible.
  15. D

    Thank You!

    I am a new member here and after reading the required material (DJ bible, DJ boot camp) I could only think one thought. Why the hell didn't I find this place before? This is an incredible resource on the internet. I think it is amazing that DJs don't mind volunteering their time to help...