Recent content by Demonslut

  1. D

    I Have It!!! Finally...the Secret To All This

    I aspire to be so internally driven, that my emotions/feelings/mood are dependant on me rather than the external environment, and I've already achieved this to a degree. If you have a strong internal drive and control over all areas of your life, your confidence and satisfaction comes from...
  2. D

    I Have It!!! Finally...the Secret To All This

    I have a sneaking suspicion that being a sexual creature works not because it's all that women want, but because men who are sexually desirable AND sexual are such a rarity. I can personally attest to this since I'm at university with a horde of desexed eunuchs who expect girls to 'get off' on...
  3. D

    I Have It!!! Finally...the Secret To All This

    Wow, I pointed this out to the #pua chatroom a day ago and encountered a lot of resistance. I agree that to be a PUA or Don Juan is basically just to disfigure your own self-perception so badly that you think you are some kind of messiah, while you can't necessarily do ****. The reason I...
  4. D

    Pretending to be in pain to get girls' attention

    You know I was joking, but now, since you've been ill-mannered and humourless I WILL play with people's feelings and I WILL pretend people have died. So now, people are gonna get hurt and miserable it's gonna be YOUR fault. Good day sir.
  5. D

    Losing weight AND gaining muscle at the same time

    First you need to light 6 sticks on lavendar incense, and spread them out across a wooden floor in teh shape of a crescent moon. Then you fill a large black bowl of water and set it down adjacent to an alter dedicated to the god Drachmik'saliar'alisistas. You must then sacrifice a medium sized...
  6. D

    I want my body to look like this...

    Fair enough. I still want to mention that 16inch biceps will make you look 'athletic', not 'buff' or a gorilla-gym-obsessee. Having a bf% as low as that guy though won't have any visible difference, and it's only really going to be you that gets turned on when you look in the mirror each...
  7. D

    Lifting every day

    The most efficient form of fat loss imo is lifting heavy as possible while cutting your diet majorly. Gaining muscle increases your metabolic rate dramatically, and combined with diet, it easily kicks the **** through any bull**** walking or cardio routine
  8. D

    I want my body to look like this...

    I don't think the totally ripped look is worth the effort. If I dropped bf% no-one would notice under clothes anyway, but muscles can still impress cause the bulk shows. When you're naked it's game over anyway, so not worth effort and muscle loss imo.
  9. D

    Make the ho say no! *ESSENTIAL*

    I'd get her to buy me drinks, marry her, then divorce and take half of her money :D
  10. D

    Honestly, How Far Has Anyone On The Hs Board Gotten?

  11. D

    Pushups and situps?

    Totally agree with most of this but from what I've been told by trainers, muscle does not REPLACE fat. Fat is metabolised and muscle is gained. If you want a muscular ass, so be it. However if you want a SMALL ass, you'd best use diet and exercise to lower energy intake/metabolise fat, and NOT...
  12. D

    Pushups and situps?

    As I'm aware bodyfat is not lost from any particular area that you're working out. as far as I acn tell working your legs would just make your ass bigger.:moon:
  13. D

    DaVinci's Steps to a better Don Juan

    I don't think obsessions are necessarily bad as without them I think people can be without motivation. I'm pretty skeptical that they can even be completely eliminated, and I usually don't find them to be a problem at all as long as I balance them off against each other. For instance, if I'm...