Recent content by daredevil

  1. D

    The post that changed my ways.

    Bump! This thread is truly DJ bible material! Moderators - move it to tips and give it a sticky :) it's worth it.
  2. D

    help me work this girl out

    AND Just don't go together in one post bro! She is interested, at least she was. You need some serious reprogramming! Remember that having sex with girl on the first date doesn't disqualify her as LTR material! Cope with it!
  3. D

    Field Report...# CLOSED a HB9

    Guys you are obviously reading to much into it!!!! From what you described she is into you (big time). period. I dated some models but they were mostly att.wh0res. You did some classic C+F and she played along! You did great! Remember to ( as DocLove and DeAngelo preach ) DO THE...
  4. D

    Even More ********!

    No doubt about it! Satan Psycho quotes common sh!t tests. How could we deflect them?
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    We were on a break....

    Yes! there is surely something wrong with you! Wanna know why? Just because you still care for someone who doesn't give a flying **** about you! Period! Listen to yourself: And I tell you how you're going to handle it: Buy yourself Justin's Timberlake CD and... Just...
  6. D

    My ******** needs some work!

    [/b] She wants you! [/b] Yes! You got it right! Isn't it obvious? Huge hint! [b] And is it possible guys hide their intrest level? Read DJ Bible! IMHO she is wondering why haven't you made a move on her already! Ask her out and stop wondering what she thinks! Good luck
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    The importance of knocking her off her pedestal.... shown graphically!

    LoL! It reminds me of the IF YOU'RE ALREADY THIS CLOSE, WHY DON'T YOU JUST SUCK MY dyck? printed underwear :D
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    Hanging Up with Diginity

    LOL! Nice I'm going to use all of them :D
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    Clubbing failure?

    hello nicholas! The whole dancing thing is a very subtle one! I've almost never approached a dancing girl because I took a different tactic. Disclaimer: I don't reccomend it! 3 years ago I started my dancing experience in clubs, after about six months I got better and guess what? The...
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    Don't Treat All Women The Same

    Good post! Especially the part about listening to what she repeats several times.
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    Does A Guy's Height matter??? (merged threads)

    I'm 190 cm high (is it 6'3"????) and have observed a few things. Tall man seem to attract girls but also intimidate the shorter girls!!! Many times I've heard - I'm so short and your so ... IMO being high helps however in some situations it bothers! On the other hands shorter males develop...
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    A Speed Seduction Report (LONG but worth it)

    SexPDX that was nice you did everything by the book + some ingenious creativity. However this girl was somehow into you before NLP. I wish I could play it myself like that
  13. D

    25 Key Rules For DJs

    Nice post Gio! but this should be the first rule RULE 25: Realize that women are tricky, lying, manipulative, devious, scheming, sneaky, cunning, calculating, shrewd, and Machiavellian creatures. Love them anyway.
  14. D

    Success with Women

    I don't know I'd rather keep using condoms j/kidding Good post De La Soul!
  15. D

    Care less, less stress

    Great analogy xyzzy, just stunning