Recent content by Danny Zuko

  1. D

    Tony Robbins

    I hold Tony Robbins in high esteem, alot of people see him on Guthy-Renker and scream "scam", but that's Robbins way of getting he's product into a large number of peoples hands...a very good product I might add. Many 'lay' people think he is just another motivational speaker but if you read...
  2. D

    If life seems hard and unhappy, read this!

    Beautiful...that post plucked some strings deep inside me I always tell myself "we must go through bitter waters before we reach the sweet" The freedom path is my current life I have no girl my social circle is all but shattered I am changing jobs and yes my family think I am a loser. The...
  3. D

    I think HEIGHT is extremely important in getting girls.

    Agree with Ice Cold once again people are exaturating 5'8 is not short at all the global average is 5'8 if that was to short ALOT of people wouldn't be getting any vag...let this thread die too much negativity.
  4. D

    I think HEIGHT is extremely important in getting girls.

    Yes height matters but people are exaturating. Even at 5'7 you are still taller than the majority of girls while I do agree though that if you are in the lower 5's [5'0-5'5] it can have an impact not a sizeable one though. My personall opinion...i'm caucasian and 5'10 I never get questioned...
  5. D

    What every skinny guy should know...

    Good advice, great post! 155 @ 6'3 :eek::eek: didn't know you were that thin Pook... Learn from the Doer's not the talkers like Pook I have seen both sides of the scale I was also very skinny 5'10 [132lbs] and had the exact same problem as Pook ugly/fat girls would approach and think they...
  6. D

    Darkness falls...The sun rises...The New Don Juan Bible is Born!

    Great work mate I appreciate the effort put into this. Dead link "Are you a guy who JUST CANT APPROACH? Part 2" never been able to read this post even in the old DJB really eager to give it a look! Edit: Found the post here is the correct link...
  7. D

    DJ's go solo and have no friends

    My post made it seem I like I ditched my mates but squirrels you are 100% right a real man will influence change in others but currently i'm still straightening myself out and with them I was going backwards and really just taking baby steps not even... I hope I can influence them, one in...
  8. D

    DJ's go solo and have no friends

    I have been through this guys, it aint easy. If you take a really good look at you're freinds lives they are actually probally going backwards it has already been mentioned before but the same goes for nearly all you're freinds they always want to do the same sh*t....I remember when I use to go...
  9. D

    Girl's dont care how a guy looks?

    This post is materilistic junk it represents the pussified 21st century male...
  10. D

    Jason Bourne

    Good post buddy taking ideas behind movies is a good thing [fight club, american beauty] and can provide the kick of motivation you need. I like the way you structured you're post not to be Jason Bourne a imatation but take he's positive attributes and implement them into yourself :D
  11. D

    Drugs as a Tool?

    I am glad many people are not defending drugs I went through a 9 month speed addiction the last two sessions I got extremely docile, dumb whatever you want to call it who knows what I had??...The purity of the drugs these days is the scary thing do not take ANYONES word for it they are hardly...
  12. D

    If this site claims that 90% of the world is AFC...

    I see this alot you have to take into account that females will much prefer dating an AFC than toughing it out alone they hate being alone I can guarantee the large majority of HB's are unsatisfied in their relationships...
  13. D

    the loneliness on the road to becoming a true dj.

    Great post buddy ;) Been through this phase it's lonely, long & lonely but when it's over it's over for good...
  14. D

    Pull up your seats,boys, the master is speaking....

    Damn fine post!! Agree 110% You say you never had to use challenge, mystery etc, it's because the triats you had and were displaying were automatically making you Alpha!! were a true natural. Banging multiple chicks, reputation, you were Being MAN! and im guessing with all you're...
  15. D

    Invisalign - invisible braces?

    Thats great that you're treatment went so well when I first read about it I thought it was to good to be true but lot's of people are having great results! Shiftkey how bad were you're teeth? my problem is the two teeth either side of my front ones are slightly angled in-front of my front two...