Recent content by D-Dizzle

  1. D

    Always slipping back into loser mode

    Your story sounds a little like mine. I am kind of a loner too. I cut loose most of my highschool friends and moved away. I have learned that you actually do need some guy friends. So work on that a little. I think most girls would be impressed to hear that your a law student. Girls love...
  2. D

    [Confused] Playing hard-to-get or wha...? Need advice!

    Relax brotherman! If you continue to let a girls actions affect your mental health like this, you will not have a fun dating life ever. I would start by doing some reading on this website and learn what it means to be a challenge. More than likely this girl is no longer interested in you...
  3. D

    The limits in being a challenge...

    First, I would chill out a little and not let her know that your pissed. If I go out with a girl a few times and she does something I don't like then I will straighten her out. From the jump I would never let her know that she is having any affect on my brain. Secondly, I think people...