Recent content by Crux

  1. C

    You guys are all hypocrites

    1. Looks don't matter, I don't "moan" or "cry" about it. Theres your first point proven wrong. 2. Causing jealousy is different than feeling jealousy. Second point proven wrong. 3. Yeah you are right, most of the stuff here is the same thing over and over.
  2. C

    Another Guy approaches your G/F in front of you: How to Act

    Establish the relationship between them first. Are they friends? Do they know each other from class? It should be pretty apparent if he is trying to attract her or whatever. If he tools you it's OBVIOUS he is trying to get her. The best way to eliminate guy threats is to use something related to...
  3. C

    Bootcamps are Useless

    I'm not talking about the ones that RSD or MM do, but the ones we see here on the forum. Be it following someone elses, or making your own - it's pointless. Once you make your first approach, everything after that is smooth sailing. Your first approach of the day (it isn't a permanent...
  4. C

    Kissing Sticking Point

    ty for the help, anyone / anything else?
  5. C

    Kissing Sticking Point

  6. C

    Kissing Sticking Point

    This is difficult for me to admit, but I have more anxiety kissing a girl than approaching a girl (which isn't hard for me). I'm going to be very straight-forward, I lack experience in the kissing department (I've only kissed one girl). I believe it's both a kissing confidence and...
  7. C

    Look beyond the surface!!!

    Are all your posts this negative? Seems like you spend more time insulting people then helping them.
  8. C

    Which PUA would work best in Latin America

    They all work...
  9. C

    The Keys to attraction Part One.

    Dude you can't field test that? WTF...
  10. C

    need to learn how to dance

    Oh yes, because your post count on this forum is directly linked to the amount of women you've ****ed. Great logic there. :down:
  11. C

    you can bash me all you want

    Her original arguement/post doesn't make sense.
  12. C

    The DJ character vs the PUA character

    So you've read The Game and you now believe that you know EVERYTHING about the PUA community. You are judging Tyler Durden by the book, but I doubt you have even read any of his posts. The guy is brilliant in field, and understands it very well. I won't defend Tyler Durden more, to those who...
  13. C

    PUA University - Are you interested?

    How is your information going to be different then that of already offered material? What is your unique advantage? Why are you qualified to teach this information?
  14. C

    Finding your confidence! Help me with your comments!

    Ok see the thing is dude, this guy is bringing home chicks and his neighbor SAW that. From his postings and that account, he must be good. Now he may not be AS good as TD, Mystery, or whoever, but that doesn't matter. Sapiens is working with him for A YEAR for 5k. Where as these guys charge...
  15. C

    Finding your confidence! Help me with your comments!

    To all those argueing 5k is too much. A three day workshop / bootcamp costs near 2k. Do the math.