Recent content by CONDE FRANCO

  1. C

    Laptop gaming

    graphically, loptop is better than desktop's. once I installed ghost recon in one loptop with a 32 mb video card and another copy in a 32 mb in a desktop. I could play very smooth in a loptop but, really slow in the desktop. same thing happend with vice city.
  2. C

    Exclusive Pic of Black Italian Sarging

    how is the pony doing gay pseudoitalian? have you tried the deep trhoat position you told me about?
  3. C

    Asked to move in ALREADY!

    gay italian, what else did you dream?
  4. C

    correct pronunciation

    thank you, but I need a software for pronunciation, I already speak english correctly.
  5. C

    correct pronunciation

    Hi everybody, can you guys recommend a good English pronunciation software? I studied the University in the USA, but my pronunciation is not that good. Damn, I believe I pronounce some words correctly only to find out they are not well pronounced. This is bothering me, because I want to speak...
  6. C

    how much should I charge?

    thank you for your replies, I just finished setting up the comp in his house. it took me more than 4 hours formating, installing windows, and installing a whole lot of software and games for her daughter. I sold the hard drive, and a printer lexmark. I charged him 120 dollars. I made a profit of...
  7. C

    how much should I charge?

    wow, I could make a living as a technician. thank you bro, i will be heartless, business is business, and even though if I don't charge him, he will be knocking at my door later for a different problem, just as the others. so this time is different.
  8. C

    how much should I charge?

    hi everybody, the other day a guy that lives 5 houses from mine, ask for my services as a amateur technician (amateur because am not in the business). he found out through my brother that I know about computers. well, my dilema is that how much should I charge him? am tired of not charging a...
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    I thought you were in jail, libertine.Unregistered
  10. C

    Women should remain pure but men should fu*k anything that walks.

    Who is talking about the US?:confused: I lived there for a while as a college student. I was talking about my country of origin my friend.
  11. C

    Women should remain pure but men should fu*k anything that walks.

    "Troll cries troll, I love that move." you want me to make a research of your naughty homesexual past motherfhuker?
  12. C

    Women should remain pure but men should fu*k anything that walks.

    but, I did not dump them right away my friend, first i enjoy them a few months and then the relationship ends. simple as that. look you want a slut, that is fine with everybody, I want a virgin, I know that where you are from the system is very different, and you wont have many choices...
  13. C

    I learnt some scary things

  14. C

    Sarging Euros

    silent travesti, don't make me post your hidden life in the main trheads little rascal biatch.