Recent content by combustiont

  1. C

    Experiences With Balding

    I told my father this once, don't let hair dictate who you are as a man, thats a pile of dog****. You are who you are, regardless of hair. If you're unhappy, pull the Bruce Willis and shave it. The rest is garbage to make you feel insecure and make you buy ****. **** all of those people...
  2. C

    Why am I hung up on this chick?

    Good call. Needed to hear that, makes perfect sense. Thanks brother!
  3. C

    Become a self made man

    A-****ing-men. Guys, read this, and then read it about 30 more times. Let it sink in. When you are a "self made man" or "the boss", there are NO days off. THERE. ARE. NO. DAYS. OFF. I've been down this road once. Some people are built for it. Honestly, dont be discouraged if you find...
  4. C

    My Social Networking SUCKS!

    Well done my friend. This guy has the right idea.
  5. C

    Would You Say This?

    Totally dependent on the person. Some will get upset, some will eat that **** up and want to **** you in the bathroom. Its about timing and gauging personality.
  6. C

    Why am I hung up on this chick?

    Something is ****ing with me here about this one that we maintained the whole FB thing for a while... my brain is split down the middle with "be realistic, you know the situ" and the other part saying "its more than that". So we mess around a bit, shes great. Funny, clever, etc. Lot of fun...
  7. C

    This **** is why I love this place.

    Wanted to bump this one more time because a lot of dudes like to get blinded by looks or have a mental block thinking that "it'll never happen to me". Bull****, bull****, bull****.
  8. C

    This **** is why I love this place. How naive can you be?
  9. C

    What is the best way to go about this?

    First I want to know what you think. Then, if you want my opinion, i'll share.
  10. C

    My battle with a handsome millionaire over her (summarized)

    This, a thousand times over. I did the same **** with some dumb ***** who STILL tries to get in contact with me now before she moves up north. "We need to hang out a lot before I leave!" Yeeahhh.....
  11. C

    LTR feels like it's in jeopardy

    It sucks and it hurts, but let it go. You're in a transitional point of your life, too. You'll see it over the next year and a half. Keep the head up.
  12. C

    If you are successful with women, life and happy, read this.

    Everything he just said. Dismiss your preconceived notions of what "success" is and worry about being a man and making yourself happy. When you do that, thats when you'll look most attractive to the opposite sex.
  13. C

    Is there something wrong with you if...

    I wish I could buy you a pint and sit and BS about life. Beautiful post.