Recent content by cloneofstenyhoyer

  1. C

    Did I pass this sh** test?

    who gives a crap about some pizza. I'd silence up some pizza talk.
  2. C

    Why You Must Now! Stop Jerking Off!!!! Must Read!!!

    if I don't jack it....I get stressed and I think maybe a bit too desperate for sex. too pushy. I think women can read the frustration.
  3. C

    Reading "The Game" by Neil Straus aka Style

    omg . alpha. heta . alpha beta. it's all alphabet soup to me.
  4. C

    looking for an atlanta wing

    between the ages of 20 and 27 to go to clubs with. please be positive and don't be a coc*blocker. Let's have some fun. I got a car and we can go to shows or parks or whatever. if you are into electronic music that is a BIG plus. I feel like I am writing a dating personal. lol.
  5. C

    If you're good looking, be NICE!

    this post made my day. it should be put in the DJ bible - for those of us who are over-gaming or negging unnecessarily.
  6. C

    Online Dating got me down.

    ey Solomon I just sent the profile link in a private msg. lemme know if it works
  7. C

    Online Dating got me down.

    I am a member at I keep sending out non-needy emails to chicks that I find attractive. I barely get a reply. why are girls even on this page if they don't want to do something as simple as a reply. It messes up my real world self-esteem. I seem to get no shortage of attention though...
  8. C

    how to respond (is this a sh*t test or just random)

    you're right - I gotta get out of this 'mental chess game' mode - where I see my interactions with women as some battle to be won and always have the upper hand in.
  9. C

    I was a natural as a child. How did transformation happen?

    and I'm sure many on this forum were as well. I remember tonguing girls down in 1st grade at my birthday party. I was a pimp on top of the world. I use to tease girls and get them to be my girlfriends - easy as pie. Then - social conditioning happened. But how did this this happen. What...
  10. C

    how to respond (is this a sh*t test or just random)

    This girl in my class called me an jacka** when I busted on her for playing solitaire during class. she said "it was freecell jacka**. I just did a sarcastic laugh like "ha".
  11. C

    leaning in

    I have been reading about body language all week. the gurus say when conversing with someone - to not lean in or "peck". I found that I had to do this last night at the bar because it was literally so loud that I could not hear. I mean - I don't know why showing dominance makes me feel like a...
  12. C

    Gunwitch and negging

    if anyone here is knowledgeable about Gunwitch - did he ever explicitly mention neghits? If he did not, what do you guys think he thought about it? Also, how do you think he'd handle sh)t tests?
  13. C

    girls of my own race aren't into me

    I mean my first really bad experiences were with white women, so maybe that is it. But I think that white women are especially affected by the whole mainstream 'feminist', men are just here to put me on a pedastal mentality. White women are quicker to pull harsh sh** tests. They seem quicker to...
  14. C

    do I look too young?

    I don't know for some reason I can't attract a woman to save my life. I used to be able to - I don't know what the heck happened.
  15. C

    do I look too young?

    do I need facial hair???