Recent content by Chaos-Knight

  1. C

    So, I found a metal fork in my bottle of ketchup

    Please post a picture! ...sounds like an inside joke from the ketsup factory,probably some worker there put it in as a joke.
  2. C

    I Give Up

    quote: Is getting a different job that has a more social environment and less hours out of the question for you? As for moving to a different area if you have the means it could be just what you need as well a job change. /quote Sound advise! ... or you could wait for fem-bots or...
  3. C

    guys, I'm so bummed out, I need some uplifting

    Good to hear your going out and such, you'll be over her quickly I have no doubt. happy hunting!
  4. C

    guys, I'm so bummed out, I need some uplifting

    Dee-zy Havent seen many posts by you in awhile What you need to do is hang out with friends or nearby Djs and chase other women. Distract yourself from thinking of her, maybe change routine try new things but move on. Some things are beyond control.
  5. C

    non christian attending church meeting today, wow pressure from pastor-any non christ

    Joe , Don't waste your time with religion,there is no happiness in fearing the imaginary creature created by man.(man made god in his image) find cool people to hang out with and do fun stuff. Try new things,consider moving elsewhere if there's issues at home. Anything is better then...
  6. C

    SoSuave writes a story. Post 1-2 sentences continuing the previous post

    "The first thing charm did was hire the poor bastard an Escort,she wasn't much to look at with only one arm, six toes on one foot,and the mustache, (she was the cheapest money could buy) but at least he finally can say he's lost his vaginity to a woman.
  7. C

    How to meet women when you don't have the time?

    Same thing here ( long hours / time off = no energy left) I also run a small buisiness, and work a semi-full time job:woo: Although the posters above say "large pool of woman always available" I disagree in my case. I live in an area that is truely beautiful to live in, but the pickings are...
  8. C

    kinda wondering about this....women and marriage

    Lol @ Faster's post a vasectomy would be a good idea for the OP (original poster) Bank some sperm so you can have kids still.... Get IT , or THEY may get you .... mwahahaha.. j/k :D edit: Kids are a Dream-killer at this age, I'm avoiding it till after 35 at least
  9. C

    Was I rejected?

    No don't next! Move to "BackBurner"! not an outright rejection, Get more numbers , call this one back in a week attempt one more time,then if she flakes next.
  10. C

    How come we dont have enough threads about being funny?

    Quote:Call_Me_Daddy Being funny is HOW you say it. And not as much WHAT you say. Its more of an attitude and mental state. /Quote So true! I was in the movie store other day and on my way out a guy in a business suit or a tux walked in and I blurted out: "Did you come from a...
  11. C

    Is MySpace balls?

    Hey TooColdUlrick, Please post more responses from the fake myspace girl account, I was laughing almost crying reading the inbox messages... Damn some good thoughts on the subject by squirrels,Vulpine,DJDamage,STR8UP or most here anyway, really opened my eyes abit,got me thinking...
  12. C

    GF gets drunk, texts me, "I cant see you ne more"

    Well Done Man! Props to you.
  13. C

    What Happened To Wearing Hats?

    That made me laugh! That's why I quit wearing mine so much, can't do much with my hair so I went military style. If they invented "hat Deoderant" or anti-sweat hats that would be a good start... hell just build AC into the hat , use the mobster hat though.
  14. C

    KINO - what to REALLY do to end up having sex

    Watched the video and it is spot on. I recomend it for anyone who is not entirely sure on kino. Hell even I learned a few new things from it.Best damn kino instructions I have seen/read so far. This guy knows his stuff.
  15. C

    Women removing tattoos

    I like the one where they say they have a mouse tattoo below the belly button, then when you can't find it they say theyr pvssy ate it :p Some of the tattoo people are very skilled and do a good job, and a tattoo in the right places looks good. I'll probably get a dragon tattoo cause I...