Recent content by change

  1. C

    Knee pain everytime i start a cardio workout? Help

    When I started running I wound up with the same problems. There are a handful of ways to alleviate this. First, before you work out make sure you srretch very thoroughly. Second, since you're just starting, your knees arent used to such stress and are probably weak. As much as you'd like...
  2. C

    Any coffee drinkers around?

    Its on Pine and.. 6th maybe? 8th? Delicious cup and nice atmosphere. Give it a try sometime
  3. C

    Useful songs in getting over a break-up or one-itus

    Audioslave - What you are And when you wanted me I came to you And when you wanted someone else I withdrew And when you asked for light I set myself on fire And if I go far away I know You'll find another slave (chorus) Cause now I'm free from what you want Now I'm free from...
  4. C

    Any coffee drinkers around?

    I dunno, whatever they serve at Bauhaus
  5. C


    Im in Duluth for Xmas break.
  6. C

    Protein/Water Consumption

    you should drink a ton of water regardless of how much protein you have i try to drink at the very least one gallon a day
  7. C

    Challenge#1: Create A Neg 2005

    Heres one I like to do if shes wearing high heels that make a lot of noise. I stamp my feet really loud with her in the same rhythm of her feet.
  8. C

    FR: Good night, terrible ending

    thanks for the tip man. Im actually really not that bummed about it right now. That was a good link you posted. And Im going out with another HB8+ a little later on today. "Bouncin back like the skin of a drum, the harder they hit us the harder we come!"
  9. C

    FR: Good night, terrible ending

    Wow, my worst fears regarding a girl came true last night OK, long story short. I had been seeing this HB 8.5 for a while. We'd been hanging out more and more. She stops by last night to give me some sushi and bubble tea from her work place and she winds up staying for a long time. We...
  10. C

    What are you being for halloween?

    Im gonna wear like 12 polo shirts with all the collars up
  11. C

    Change's Bulking Progress

    Yesterday Weight: 173.5 I did chest. DB press warmup 5x40 5x45 Actual sets 5x55 3x60 5x55 5x55 5x55 5x55 4x55 DB flies 5x25 5x25 5x25 Incline DB press 5x35 5x35 4x35
  12. C

    A time for change...

    Damn dude, you have a really good attitude about this. I can tell youre pissed and maybe sad she dumped you like that, but youve definitely got the right attitude. Use this as an inspiration to get better. Peace
  13. C

    Change's Bulking Progress

    Thanks. That pic is actually the new one. The old one was I just forgot I named the files wrong. I would do deads but I dont really know how, I can read off the internet but Im scared of doing them wrong. I guess I'll find someone who...
  14. C

    Change's Bulking Progress

    Weight: 175 and some change Today = back day Chinups: I did the one lift a day thing again so I did seven sets of 5 chinups with varying weights either helping me lift myself up The least weight I had was 60 pounds, the most was the first at 80 pounds. End of week 2 Pic...
  15. C

    Change's Bulking Progress

    Weight: 173 What I did: Squats warmup 90x5 110x5 165x5 185x5 185x5 165x6 185x6 185x5 185x4 seated Calf raises: 120x10 120x10 120x10