Recent content by Cat Patrol

  1. C

    Please Help! I have horrible breath

    When I brush, I also brush the back of my tongue and the rear of the roof of my mouth. I also gargle with hydrogen peroxide to kill the germs, first. Oh, are you a smoker? Because smokers tend to get extra bacteria in their mouths, which could be causing the smell.
  2. C

    veins on arms

    Veins are usually only noticable when you train hard AND have a low bodyfat percentage. Why concentrate on arms when you want to impress women anyway? A good set of legs will get you the most notice. I've gotten in real buff shape several times in my life, and all the complements I've ever...
  3. C

    im quitting the gym, what are your thoughts?

    Hmmm......417 dollars you'll save by not renewing your membership. And you want to gain weight. I would invest that 417 bucks and beer! I can gain like 3 pounds over a long weekend just by drinking 18 beers a night, on Fri, Sat, and Sunday nights!
  4. C

    Friend better than husband?

    I am getting some bad vibes about your situation. Your wife and you have only been married a few months, and yet she is starting to avoid you in favor of one of her friends? This is very unusual so early in a marriage. Hell, you guys are still in the honeymoon stage! To me, this...
  5. C

    Simple Guide to Cutting up?

    Don't eat within 3-4 hours of going to bed. Try to go to bed just a little bit hungry. Also, dinner should be the lightest meal of the day. Drink a big glass of water before every meal, makes you feel full faster. Cut down on all simple carbs. Avoid sugers and flours. Eat lots of veggies...
  6. C

    widen the mid section

    No, you do not want to thicken your waist. You should be trying for a narrow waist and broad shoulders, a v shape. I've got love handles on the sides, and I hate em. The only thing that partially makes up for them is that I've got very wide shoulders, which helps mitigate the wide waist.
  7. C

    leg excersise without jeopardizing my growth

    Don't worry, squats won't stunt your growth. But if will make you feel better, just go ahead and hang upside down from a bar after your squat workout. ****, if anything, squats will probably make you taller, being that when you workout hard like that you are circulating a lot more growth...
  8. C


    I don't do back 2 days. Those are all shoulder exercises that I just described. OK, well maybe the upright rows hit the traps as well as the delts. I've always trained traps with my back. In just about any sort of back exercise, the traps are involved. Even deadlifts hit the traps.
  9. C


    Most shoulder exercises fall into one of two categories: Pressing movements and lateral movements. Try for 3-4 sets of each different type. My shoulder routine is as follows: day 1- Military presses: 4 sets, bent over laterals: 4 sets day 2- Upright rows: 4 sets, side...