Recent content by Bud Fox

  1. B

    Do Looks Really Wear Off?

    Yeah its funny you say that Mystery. I know a couple of guys who have the most stunning girlfriends but cheat on them anyway. Even celebrities do it, look at Hugh Grant!
  2. B

    Do Looks Really Wear Off?

    Ha Ha! Nice one Pecker. Glad you got the name. By the way, keep your filthy hands off the Fischer accout.
  3. B

    Girl With Problems

    By the way Disco, could you keep us updated on this? It would be interesting to know if you dump her and if so how she reacts. Thanks pal.
  4. B

    Here's My Full-Proof Way To Score Hot Chicks For (almost) Free.

    Ha ha! Go give it to 'em Gordo.
  5. B

    Cholesterol is putting me in trouble

    Try Benecol. I know it sounds stupid but it seems to work.
  6. B

    To all indian djs

    the facial and body hair
  7. B

    Never hit a woman........unless..!!!

    Bud, give me your gf's number..... like you said, she will appriciate it. ;) [/B] That's 'appreciate' moron. I don't think my GF gets turned on by bad spelling so you could be out of luck. Best keep lusting after people on the internet, male or female- it's your lifestyle and not my place...
  8. B

    Never hit a woman........unless..!!!

    BTW.. good comeback with the InLaws comment... what are you, her Dad or something? LOL!!! assure, they ALL love me Bud. ;) .....To know me, is to love me.... you catch my drift Bud? Can you grasp what I am saying here? :) [/B] Well it.... sounds like you are coming on to me. Sorry...
  9. B

    Never hit a woman........unless..!!!

    You can be a red blooded male and enjoy all the things VBG mentioned without necessarily liking it when women boast about it to other guys. THAT is what I have a problem with. I can see why the InLawsHateYou. Its obviously 'cos they realise they have given away their daughter to a pr**k.
  10. B

    Never hit a woman........unless..!!!

    Erm, I am a bit annoyed with other people at the moment..... so those things I said were not REALLY directed at you VBG. Apologies for taking out my frustration on Board members- probably should phone that f**king GF of mine. Yours unstably, Bud
  11. B

    Never hit a woman........unless..!!!

    Well aren't you a knight in shining armour....... how impressive. And I like women just fine. Let's remember who the one with the ass fetish is here.............
  12. B

    Never hit a woman........unless..!!!

    But, that doesn't mean I don't ever "let my hair down." Have you read my posts about MJ and E? Have you read my posts about my love of anal sex? Have you read the posts where tons of guys on this board call me a slut because I have slept with guys I didn't love? Have you read about my love of...
  13. B

    Bad day at the Gym

    I am fairly new to going to the gym. Used to be really unfit but got to the point over a few weeks where I could run a mile at a decent pace. However went today and got tired after running about half that! Its not just that my muscles were tired, I was out of breath too and it was just really...
  14. B

    Investment vs. return

    I think that is a really good tip, although a surprisingly counter intuitive one.
  15. B

    size does matter?

    You know what the funny thing is? Every single girl I talk to says that she prefers tall guys. But, and here is the thing, I have seen LOADS of short guys do brilliantly. Im 6ft + but I honestly don't think it would be an advantage being short (ok, maybe if you are really short but not otherwise).